4. Fears

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A/N: I dedicate this one to cute-squishy-cheeks. Thank you for being my first reader. I hope you enjoy it:)


Draco was not ready for the arrival of his godfather the next evening. Severus Snape came out of the fireplace into the living room, where Fred, George, Ginny and Draco were playing a card game at the table. Severus landed on the carpet so smoothly that the inhabitants would not have heard him if it was not for the whooshing sound the fire made.

They looked up at the sudden visitor and the three Weasleys smiled politely. Draco just looked at him nervously, trying to gauge his reaction. But Severus did not show much reaction. Instead, he stepped around the sofa towards them. “Good evening.” He said in his usual monotonous voice.

“Evening.” The Weasleys mumbled back. Draco still did not say anything.

“Severus?” A voice came from the kitchen and a few seconds later, Mrs Weasley entered the room. “Oh, you´re already here. To be honest, I expected Remus to be here first. Oh well, make yourself comfortable. Ron! Harry! Come here and greet Professor Snape.”

Ginny, Fred, George and Draco sniggered at the groans that were heard. The latter froze when he noticed Severus´ eyes on him and quickly schooled his expression into a neutral one. “That´s really not necessary, Molly-” Severus said, but at this moment, Potter and Ron already entered the room.

“Hi, Professor Snape.” Potter said awkwardly. He nudged his best friend when an awkward silence followed.

“Umm, good evening, Sir.” The Weasley was spared from any awkward silences or responses when there was a knock on the door.

“This will be Remus.” Mrs Weasley said. Potter and Ron hurried to open the door. “Then we can close the floo network. It´s safer.” She swished the wand quickly and went to greet Lupin, as did all the other Weasleys. Lupin got a way more hearted greeting than Severus, and Draco thought that was unfair. His godfather was way more important for the order and Hogwarts, better dressed, and a better man than this werewolf.

He knew he could not let his disagreements show though. He still liked living with the Weasleys for some reason.

“Hello Severus.” Lupin said, joining them at the table, followed by the other Weasleys and Potter. “Draco. Fancy seeing you here.” Draco just gave a polite nod in response and inched closer to Severus. He did not like that this man was more liked than his godfather. Especially since he knew how Lupin and his friends had made a hell out of Severus´ school years.

Bill and Fleur came down the stairs a few minutes later to join the gathering, whereas Mrs Weasley stood up. “Arthur should be home in a few minutes. Dinner is almost ready. I´m gonna finish.” She disappeared into the kitchen.

Severus nudged Draco. “Let´s go outside for a bit of privacy.” He said lowly. Draco tensed but nodded stiffly. They stood up and he followed his godfather out the door, grabbing a warmer robe on the way and slipping into his shoes.

“Harry, what are you-”

Draco heard a chair scrape against the floor and a hiss. As Draco stepped out of the house behind Severus, he saw something red disappear behind the rosebushes. Severus and Draco slowly walked along the garden in silence. They could not wander off too far because of the wards surrounding the house.

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