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 A/N: I had been thinking about how to continue this long and hard, but I've already written almost everything I have wanted this story to include so I decided to not draw this story out unnecessarily and end this here. I hope you like it.

This doesn't mean I will stop writing. I will definitely keep writing one shots and maybe another story if I get enough time. 

Anyways, thank you all for reading this. I hope I made your day a bit better. All the love<3   


Sitting at home alone was not how Draco had imagined spending his Christmas eve. If Harry kept his promise he should be home any minute. Draco took a glance at his watch which Harry had given him for their four year anniversary, which was New Years last year.

Unbidden, his mind wandered to New Years five years ago. The Battle sometimes still haunted him, especially almost losing Harry. He did not just almost die, he really did die. Their first fight arouse partly from that. Draco remembered it clearly.


They were sat in Professor Dumbledore's office for their first meeting about finally banning The Dark Lord from this earth to never come back. At that time, they still did not know about the Horcruxes in particular, but Dumbledore knew that through something like this, the Dark Lord could still return.

Then, Harry spoke about his near-death experience, about how he had gotten into a white, bright passageway that looked a bit like the train station King's Cross, and there lay a very ugly naked thing, kind of like the Voldemort (Draco still flinched at his name) before he got his new body on the graveyard four years ago, but somehow, when he wished to be back in Draco's arms, Harry's wish was granted.

"Oh yes." Dumbledore said. "Love. It can overcome anything. I guess you really died that day, but through the resurrection stone, that I told Draco to keep in your hand, and through your decision to return to your love, you came back and left the part, that Voldemort kept in you behind."

"Why would Voldemort keep part of himself in me?" Harry wondered, but Draco was only half listening. He watched Harry with a deep frown.

"I don't know, Harry." Dumbledore answered. "I don't see any smart reason to tie himself to you like that. But we also don't know if he did that on purpose. There is a lot we don't know. That's why we have to keep researching."

"Of course." Harry said. He turned to Draco, probably to get his approval, but Draco just stared at him blankly. "Are you okay?"

"When were you planning to tell me?" Draco asked.

Harry looked confused. "What?"

"What happened when you fucking died!" Draco snapped.

"Well, I told you now." Harry smart-arsed, which made Draco even angrier.

"And if it wasn't for Dumbledore you would have never told me?" Draco glared. "Didn't you feel the need to talk to someone about something so significant?"

"Well, I talked to Ron and Hermione about it." Harry shrugged. It irritated Draco that Harry was talking about it like it was a minor occurrence.

"Oh yeah, and you didn't think about talking about it with me?" Draco's heart was beating painfully in his chest as he thought about Harry dying under his hands.

"Ron and Hermione are my best friends." Harry argued. He was getting irritated now himself. It did not bother Draco. At this moment, he disliked obvious Harry. He wanted him to see that something was wrong.

"Yes, and I am your fucking boyfriend." Draco snapped.

"Oh, sorry." Harry said sarcastically. "I didn't know being your boyfriend meant telling you every little detail of my life."

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