11. New Years

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A/N: You have no idea what is coming for you, Muhahahahahaha.


The next day did not feel any different than the past days in the Burrow. It still felt unreal to Draco that yet another year was coming towards the end. So much had changed. And yet, Draco was not ready for the New Year to start. Moreover, it did not even feel like it was New Year.

The mood only changed after dinner when Mrs Weasley put a variety of different snacks on the table. Severus and Lupin were over but there was still a cool distance between them. Only Fred and George managed to get them to interact under their easy going supervision.

It was around eleven PM when Draco was talking to Fleur about her French New Years at home, of course in French, still sitting on the dinner table. Suddenly Potter, who had been sitting in front of the fireplace with Ron and Ginny, stood up and turned to them. "Could you stop that?" He snapped.

"Quoi?"(what?), Fleur wondered .

"Just, stop." Harry said.

"Stop what?" Draco asked.

"Speaking French."

"Pourquoi?" Fleur asked.

"What?" Harry asked, who could not understand a single word of French.

"She asked why." Draco translated.

"Because..." Harry looked from Draco to Fleur. Then, his eyes lingered on Draco. He looked back, not backing down the stare. "Because it's annoying."

"So you're denying Fleur to live a bit of her culture?" Draco clarified. "That's a bit discriminating, don't you think?"

"You really wanna tell me about discrimination?" Harry deadpanned. "Besides, I don't care if Fleur speaks French."

"But you care if I do? Why?" Draco squinted at Potter, who was now shifting uncomfortably.

"You know what? Nevermind." Potter said, falling back into his armchair with his back turned to them. Fleur shot Draco a questioning look, which he just answered with a confused shrug. He had no idea what was going on with Potter, but this was the first time he had gotten Potter's direct attention again, so if he was speaking French a bit louder than before, no one had to know.

Midnight ticked closer and Mr Weasley conjured up Butterbeer, Firewiskey and some alcoholic muggle beverages. Mrs Weasley just rolled her eyes fondly as her husband explained to everyone how Hermione's parents were his close friends now. And since they were muggles, they often helped him find his way around the muggle world. A few weeks ago, Draco would have not thought before calling him a blood traitor. Now, he found it amusing and slightly intriguing. He even tried the muggle alcohol, a French champagne, himself. It was not much different from the wizarding alcohol.

Maybe Muggles were not so different from witches and wizards after all.

Before they knew it, it was five minutes before midnight. Draco saw Fred and George whisper something to Ginny and Ron, who looked at Draco. He gave them a confused look, but he got no answer. The twins hurried outside to prepare their special, self-invented fireworks. For this special occasion, Mrs Weasley had given them the permission to set them off in the garden.

Draco and the other Weasleys followed them with glasses filled with several different beverages. Draco himself had some firewhiskey because it was familiar and delicious.

Draco was talking to Ginny and somehow, Ron and Potter joined the conversation about how Filch was probably spending his New Years. Fred and George were kneeling with the explosive devices, waiting for midnight while Mrs Weasley was sending them worried glances. Fleur and Bill were standing arm in arm, whispering something to each other that Draco was not sure he wanted to know about. 

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