9. Dark Mark

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A/N: I dedicate this to Hufflehamda Thank you for liking this story:)


Draco woke up the next morning through a burning pain on his forearm. The shock combined with the fear made him sit up with a shout. "Argh!"

Then, he noticed Ron staring at him with a sleepy haze and Potter sitting next to Draco, looking down at where the blonde was clutching his forearm. Quickly, Draco let go and pulled down his sleeve.

He looked over at Potter whose gaze was burning with rage. Draco looked up at Ron, who was back to snoring loudly. Draco grabbed Potter's sleeve, pulling him up and out of the room before he could start yelling at Draco in front of the Weasley. For some reason, tense as he was, Potter followed him down the stairs.

Throwing on warm robes and slipping in some shoes, Draco and Potter stepped out of the house. The fresh snow was glittering in the morning sun. The sky was still coloured rose and orange like it wanted to give Draco hope for the upcoming day.

Draco went up to the far end of the garden and turned to Potter, whose enraged eyes had never left him. Draco did not say anything. He waited for Potter to say what he was dying to say. "I knew it!" Potter finally exclaimed, getting closer to Draco with a threatening step. "You're a Death Eater."

Draco let out a heavy breath. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" Potter asked in disbelief. Then he yelled, "You're sorry? I was starting to trust you!"

Draco gulped. So Potter did not trust him anymore because of this damn tattoo. "That's why I didn't tell you."

"What?" Potter shouted, stepping closer to Draco. "You're a fucking Death Eater, Malfoy. You have to have nefarious intentions. What's your plan, Malfoy? Wanna kill me? Bring me to Voldemort when I'm weak and trusting you? Imperio me?"

"Potter!" Draco put his hands on Potter's shoulders and pushed him into a reasonable distance but did not let go. "Listen, I'm not gonna do anything to you or anyone in the house. I don't care about the Dark Lord. I don't care that he's after you. I just wanted to get away."

"And you think I'm gonna believe you?" Potter glared, shaking Draco's hands off his shoulders.

"I can't make you." Draco said. "But I really hope you do."

"Well," Potter glared, and Draco had to suppress the physical pain this cold stare caused in his chest. Until this moment he had not even known that this was possible. "I don't believe you."

He went to stomp away, but Draco grabbed his robes and pulled him back. "I get it, okay?"Draco said, and in any other situation he would be ashamed of the desperation leaking through his tone. "I was never really friendly, especially to you. I'm a horrible person and I was in the closer circle of your biggest enemy, but whatever you think of me, please don't tell anyone about the Mark. It will kill me, one way or another."

Draco swallowed at the piercing stare. He had always been fascinated by Potter's eyes. Not just the colour, but the recklessness and intensity behind them, the passion and wildness. It made his heart beat faster, always had, if he was being honest.

"Okay." Potter stepped closer. Draco got the urge to take a step back but he was already crowded against the tree. "I won't tell them, but one wrong move... One wrong move, Malfoy, and no one in this family will have sympathy for you anymore. Got it?"

It had been long since Draco had heard Potter saying his name with so much venom, and it made his heart constrict painfully. He averted his gaze from Potter's hard one and gave a subtle nod at the cold snow on the ground. He felt Potter's warmth leave and when he dared to look up a few seconds later, the raven haired was nowhere to be seen.

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