5. Questions

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Draco discerned a periodic snore sound that mixed with the sluggish picture of Fred and George in Slytherin Quidditch Uniforms. Draco could remember a talking Gnome being there but he could not quite remember which role it had played in his previous dream.

Next, Draco felt the gentle rise and fall of his pillow and the lovely warmth engulfing him. Strangely enough, the rise and fall did not fall into the same rhythm as the snore. Latter was slightly faster.

The soothing rise and fall suddenly stopped before it picked up, a bit faster. Then, Draco's shoulder was shaken, "Malfoy." He heard distantly. Draco groaned and tightened his arms around whatever warmth he was holding. His brain could make just as little sense of it as of the dream.

"Malfoy!" He heard, clearer this time. It was a panicked hiss. Draco registered the smell of wood and something he could not name, but it reminded him of their first potions lesson this year when they brewed Amortentia. "Malfoy!"

Draco knew that voice. And his pillow was vibrating with it-

With a start, Draco sat up. He stared at Potter, scooting away from him. Their eyes locked.

The wild green eyes that looked back at Draco were filled with uncertainty and shock. Draco was sure he looked no different. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest. A loud snore pulled his attention to the sleeping Weasley on the bed. Then, he looked back at Potter. "Not a word about this to anyone, got it?" Draco hissed.

Potter just nodded, still looking paralysed. Draco threw one last look at Potter's quite muscular chest, pushing down the unknown feeling that was spreading in the pit of his stomach. Then, he scrambled up, gathering his clothes and finding the bathroom.


When Potter and Ron finally joined the breakfast table, everyone else was already seated. Draco tried to look unbothered by him, but he could not help the glance when the two new comers sat down opposite of him.

Draco looked up, his eyes locking with Potter's once again. He had to admit that they were a beautiful, unique green colour. They always seemed to be filled with a tumultuous storm. It did something to Draco's heart that he was not able to grasp.

"Umm... Harry?" Ron said, looking at his best friend concernedly. Potter and Draco broke eye contact quickly. Severus, who was seated beside Draco, eyed him curiously. Draco ignored him.

In fact, he ignored all the stares for the rest of the day. Severus left shortly after breakfast, promising Draco to bring him his necessities in the afternoon. But the Weasleys and Fleur also seemed to have picked up on something, because they watched attentively whenever Draco and Potter were in the same room. And Potter was not being as subtle as he thought he was as his green eyes drifted to Draco more often that usual.

In the evening, everyone sat at the dinner table together, except for Mr Weasley who was still working. A few candles were burning on the table for Christmas spirit and Mrs Weasley went to put on some Christmas music. Draco held her back hesitantly. "Could I maybe... put on some music?"

Mrs Weasley looked a bit thrown off, but then smiled softly, "Of course. Do you have a record?" Draco nodded, looking at Bill. He rolled his eyes, handing Draco his wand. Draco smiled thankfully, trying not to feel hurt when everyone tensed. Summoning the record, he quickly gave the wand back to Bill and put on his music.

Draco watched as Fleur started to beam at the familiar tune. "Oh," Mrs Weasley said. "This sounds nice." But her eyebrows furrowed when a soothing female voice started to sing French lyrics. "What's this?"

"I asked Uncle Sev to bring it for me." Draco smiled timidly. "It's what we always listen to around Christmas at home. It's a mixture of English and French songs. A mixture of my mothers inheritances. Sometimes, she gets father to slow dance to it with her." Draco laughed. Those memories were certainly one of the happiest ones at home.

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