6. Christmas Presents

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A/N: I would like to dedicate this to iamhuman101. Thank you for reading and voting:)


"Rematch." Ron demanded when Draco leant back in his seat with a satisfied smirk.

Ginny, Fred and George groaned. "Can you please stop this braincells killing game and join us?" George asked. "This card game is boring with only three people."

"It's also boring with five people." Ron said, placing the Chess pieces back on the board that laid between Draco and Ron. Draco had won this evening, and he had to admit that he was all for taking a break from the concentration consuming game.

"Maybe we can play something completely different." Draco said.

"Like what?" Fred perked up. Draco shrugged.

"We can't use our wands, except for Fred and George." Ginny said. "And I don't trust any game where only Fred and George are allowed to use magic."

Ron, Potter and Draco nodded in agreement while the twins answered with an indignant "Hey!"

"Well, we could play a muggle game." Potter suggested.

"We don't know any muggle games." Ron said.

"Muggle games are boring." Draco said.

"Have you ever played a muggle game?" Potter glared.

"No." Draco held his nose up high. "Tell us about these games, Potter."

When he did not answer immediately, Draco eyed Potter, who looked down at his hands with an unreadable expressions. "I don't know... any. Except for Play Station. But you need, well... a Play Station for that."

"Well, I'm sure Fred and George can build a Play Station." Ron said. "What exactly does this station contain. Do we need a room for that? Or something bigger, like a train station?"

"No." Potter said. "It's electronic. And you need a TV."

"A tea-what?" George wondered.

"TV." Potter said. "Nevermind. It's not happening." Suddenly, something dawned on his face and he looked up directly at Draco. "How about... Truth or Dare."

"Sounds interesting." Ron said. "What's that?"

A smirk grew on Draco's face as Potter still had not broken eye contact with him. "Truth, huh? So obsessed with me that you want to force my dirtiest secrets out of me now, aren't you?"

Something started to darken in Potter's eyes, "Oh, I bet they're dirty." He smirked, taking Draco by surprise. Normally, it was Draco teasing him. "But I was thinking more about scaring you away with horrible dares."

Draco did not break eye contact when he leant back in his chair and crossed his arms. "You can try." He smirked.

"So, how does this game go?" Ron asked, obvious to the buzzing tension that he had broken now. Draco noticed Ginny shifting uncomfortably and Fred and George watching them with different degrees of curiosity and mischief.

Harry explained this muggle game "Truth or Dare" briefly. It was fairly easy to understand. Well, it was a muggle game after all.

At first, they had problems coming up with Questions or Dares that were not dangerous, but also not boring. When Mrs Weasley came down to send them all to bed, she found Fred wearing one of Ginny's dresses, Ron sitting on Potter's lap, George looking flushed from his underwear run around the house, and Draco attempting to imitate a chicken, but failing because he had too much dignity for that.

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