12. Hospital

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"Draco, make sure he keeps holding this." Professor Dumbledore had said when he, Mr Weasley and Draco disapparated to St Mungo's with the unconscious and barely alive Harry. Draco had been holding Harry's hand closed around a black stone that he had no idea what it was nor what it did, but he decided to trust the headmaster on this. At this moment, Draco would have done anything to keep Harry alive.

Now, a healer had overtaken the job of keeping the stone in Harry's hand after a long serious conversation with Professor Dumbledore. Draco had to pace in front of Harry's hospital door. The Weasleys stood there with him, shooting him and the door worried glances. They all looked tired and battered from the fight in the middle of the night, but just like Draco, none of them could even think about falling asleep when Harry was behind that door in a life-threatening condition.

Finally, one of the two healers came out, making everyone look up. "Are you all here for Harry Potter?" She swept her gaze along the big family and finally Draco, on who her eyes lingered.

"We are." Mr Weasley said. "How is he?" Through his career in the Ministry he had probably learned to speak impersonally, because Draco knew he would have sounded much more shaky. They had no idea if Harry was even still alive.

"He is stable." The healer said to everyone's relief. "Although he was already dead. I don't know how this is possible."

"May we see him?" Draco asked. He had been trying to look into the room ever since the healer had stepped out, but he could see nothing. Nothing that would have lifted the incredible weight from his heart. Nothing that could make him forget about the feeling of the slowing speed of Harry's heartbeat. "Please?"

The healer watched him warily. "We have to make a background check before we can let anyone to an unconscious person."

"Okay, then hurry." Draco said. "What do you need?"

"Your name, first." The healer said, glancing down at Draco's sleeve, which he pulled down anxiously. The healer's face suggested that she already suspected what was on his forearm.

"Draco." He said. "Draco Malfoy."

She nodded, looking even more sceptical and holding her hand out for Draco's wand. Warily, he gave it to her. "I'm gonna check that. Wait here for a few minutes."

"What about us?" Ginny asked, holding out her wand too.

"Oh, that's fine." The healer said. "The Weasleys can go in."

"What?" Draco asked. "Wait! Why can they go in?" But Draco knew why. They were not from a suspected Death Eater family. And Harry Potter being so vulnerable in front of a suspected Death Eater was not something anyone here wanted to risk.

"It's fine." Bill stepped forward, smiling charmingly. Draco saw Fleur glaring at him. "Healer Helen, right?" The healer nodded. "Draco here is with us. He's part of the family. Also, Harry completely trusts him."

"I'm sorry." The healer said. "But right now I can only allow family in. And since Mr Dumbledore listed you Weasleys as the next of kins-" She took out a piece of parchment and frowned. Her face showed confusion as she said, "Wait, this paper lists Draco Malfoy as... fiancé." She looked up at Draco. "Is that true?"

Draco's eyes widened. He had just kissed Harry once, was not even his official boyfriend yet. But the thought of being Harry's fiancé... it did something to Draco's heart and he smiled, probably a bit dopey. "Yeah."

The healer looked surprised. After the Weasleys, she was the first one to hear that The Boy Who Lived had a significant other, let alone that it was a male and a Malfoy. But she nodded, slowly gave Draco his wand back and allowed them into Harry's hospital room.

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