7. Christmas Eve

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A/N: I would like to dedicate this to EmFelton101. Thank you for voting and reading:)


"Arthur!“ Mrs Weasley chirped when the door opened and her husband stepped into the full living room. “You´re exactly on time for dinner.”

She was right. Everyone was already sat on the dinner table, including Lupin and Severus, a delicious Christmas eve dinner spread on the table. “Guess what I brought.” Mr Weasley grinned as he approached the table, holding up a green branch.

“A mistletoe?” Remus asked. He seemed to have good knowledge of plants. Draco would have not known which kind of twig this was.

“That´s right.” Mr Weasley said proudly, using his wand to attach it to the ceiling over the bottom of the stairs. “It´s a muggle tradition. If two people are caught under it at the same time, you have to kiss. This is a special one, though. You can´t leave unless you've kissed.”

“Eww, but dad.” Ron complained. “Most of us are siblings. This is weird.”

“Who says you have to kiss on the mouth?” Mr Weasley asked. “You can kiss each other´s cheek. It´s not a big deal.”

“Still.” Ron grumbled.

Unbidden, Draco´s eyes strayed to the boy opposite of him. His pink lips were pulled into a frown. Then, his face eased a bit and his lips parted. Draco had a flashing picture in his mind, him and Potter, kissing under this twig thing... Suddenly, green eyes looked back at him and Draco looked away quickly.

Severus gave him a questioning look but Draco just shook his head. He had no idea what he was thinking. And he was sure that pursuing these thoughts would not be healthy.

That was why he tried not to look at Potter during the dinner, but it was hard due to him sitting directly in front of him. More than ever, Draco started to feel cramped in the burrow and the many people suffocating him. It had happened before, especially when Mrs Weasley stressed everyone about the Christmas preparations, but now, that Draco was sitting between the boisterous Weasley twins and the watchful Severus, opposite of a boy he had just imagined kissing for some reason, and the voice of Mrs Weasley´s favourite singer Celestina Warbeck, it seemed to physically press against his chest.

Draco tried to concentrate on eating. It was really a great meal that Mrs Weasley had cooked, together with Bill, Ron and Potter. Mrs Weasley did not trust her twins in the kitchen so she had sent them and Draco outside to help Ginny decorate the living room.

Later, Ron and Potter had summoned them to help get some vegetables from the garden for the Christmas dinner. A gnome, who had bitten Fred in the ankle, ended up on top of the Christmas tree, acting as an angel. Not on his free will, though. He was stupefied, painted golden and dressed so he was no longer recognizable. Still, pretty was something different.

Draco lifted his gaze, a small smile appearing on his face as he remembered Potter trying to place the gnome on top of the tree, failing due to his size. But the way his biceps had flexed as he lifted the fat gnome...

“Draco.” He snapped his gaze to Mrs Weasley, licking his suddenly dry lips. “Do you want more pudding?”

Draco shook his head quickly. He felt like his stomach could not handle anything more at the moment. “No, thank you.”

“Are you done?” Potter asked. Draco looked at him, nodding quickly. “Can you excuse us for a few moments?” Potter asked everyone, not waiting for an answer as he stood up and grabbed Draco´s arm. Draco let himself be pulled outside into the cold, dark garden. Fresh snow lay on the unkempt grass. Breathing in deeply, Draco embraced the fresh, cool air.

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