Episode 1.

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I thank God for giving me the Grace and Favor in writing this book. Also, to my parents; Mr and Mrs. Ochidi and my siblings. And of course my readers.

Thank you all.


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


I rushed out of my house gate in a haste.

"Shoot! I'm late. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late" I announced loudly to no one in particular.

Looking wildly around, I searched for a cab or a bike or anything that can move fast, even a bicycle will do.

I was seriously, freaking, late.

You see, it's really not my fault that I'm this late. None of this...... is my fault, it's all my best friend "Sasha's" fault.

She is wild and crazy, and funny, and friendly and wild... Oh. Wait. I've mentioned that already.

Anyway, this best friend of mine took me out last night. She wanted me to relax and have fun cause I'm always indoors. I hardly go out so she felt it was her responsibility as my best friend to make me or rather forced me to go out and have fun {Yeah, have fun indeed} With five shots of vodka and three margaritas going down my jugular, I sure did have fun. I was wasted before the night ended.

I woke up this morning with matching bands drumming in my skull, my mouth tasted like soured milk and it was 7:30.

My eyes grew wide as I raced out of bed and did half of my morning routine. Cause there was no time for me to do my full morning preparations which consisted of me applying one million and ten things to my face to make me look presentable.

So anyway, as I said before, I'm late.

I have an interview with one of the most respected honorable in Nigeria scheduled for 8:00 am this morning and she's a woman. Yes, a woman. This woman is awesome. She has done so many good things for this country. And she really doesn't care if the men in politics hate her. I won't be surprised if one day she becomes the president of Nigeria. Now that is what I call fantastically awesome.

I stood outside the gate of my building which is a three-story building. My apartment is right at the top and I hate it. All the stress and hard work of moving up and down the stairs daily isn't easy at all. It's no wonder I prefer to stay indoors. Once I'm done from work and I'm home, I get comfortable for the rest of the night deciding not to step out again. The two trips of going up and down the stairs are enough for me in a day.

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