C h a p t e r_T w e n t y-S i x

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My veins began to glow purple instead of their usual green. I suddenly stopped breathing, and I fell on my knees again. Black mist began to surround me, and a snicker began to flow inside of my ears. The mist then poured inside of my mouth, and I coughed, trying to get the burnt taste out of my system. "Oh, how dumb you are, Shinozaki... Why did I give you the incredible privilege for class rrepresentative?"

I gasped as the mist fogged together to form a person. "Ms. Yui!" My teacher wickedly grinned, and seized me by my hair, which honestly hurt a whole lot. "Shinozaki... how would you like to take the place of your cousin?" Then, she laughed. A devilish laugh, which made me shudder. Eventually, my vision started to darken, and a smile etched its way onto my own face. "I think my darling Mochida already received that role," I giggled. "Nice work killing Nakashima, you guys did!"

Ms. Yui chuckled, and dropped me back down on my feet. "Cherish your flesh-and-bone self, Ayumi. That could be very useful to new victims." With that said, she disappeared. I smiled even wider, and spotted a candle at the end of the hall. I glanced down at Naomi's broken body, then fixed my gaze on a hole just inches away from her. "We were never friends," I hissed at her before kicking her down the hole. "Never."

I then sprinted down the hall, towards the unlit candle. As soon as I reached it, I took a lighter out of my dirtied skirt pocket, and lit the candle. I grinned into the flame, and whispered, "Ready to kill someone, little fire? Soon you'll grow into a big, hungry blaze, and will finally be useful!" I laughed, and my laughter echoed down the hall, perhaps filling the whole school.

I'm coming for you all!

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