C h a p t e r_T h i r t y-T h r e e

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"...Yoshiki...?" My voice was ready to give out. My throat felt scratchy and uncomfortable. I hated Heavenly Host. I loathed it for its misnamed name, I loathed that Sachiko and Satoshi made it like a game of chess, making it complicated and they were the actual players, me and my friends were the actual pieces. Who was the king? Maybe they were the ghosts. They were the pieces of the chess set too, but in higher ranks than us puny little pieces.

Why am I thinking about chess when I'm facing the love of my life? Or was it Satoshi? I love them both, no, I loved them both, but I never knew which one I truly loved. But it doesn't matter anymore, since they're both dead! Tears began to form into my eyes as I surveyed Yoshiki. He smiled at me, and traced my hands delicately with his fingers, his touch cool to my skin. "It's unbearable, Ayumi. Being dead and seeing you alive and well. I miss being alive. Is life treating you well?" His eyes connected with mine, and his smile broadened.

"No." The word slipped out easily, and he withdrew, his eyes narrowed. "Well, same with me, considering I don't have a life," Kishinuma replied bitterly. Suddenly, a thought struck me: I'm falling under his spell! He's like Ryou--avoid his eyes, Ayumi, avoid his eyes! I closed my own, and retreated a few steps. "Yoshiki, stop talking." My tone was harsh, cold. I took a peek, opening my eyes as I glanced downwards. In order to do this, it would probably be wise to be able to see. "What made you happy in life?"

"What made me happy...?" Yoshiki sounded genuinely surprised. Alas, I wasn't as lucky with him. "Arrgghhh!" I allowed myself a brief glance, and what I saw made me frantic. He collapsed on his knees, clutching his temple. It was like my posture when my head felt like it would explode. It didn't feel pretty, and it probably didn't look pretty, either. "Quit asking me that question!" he bellowed in a dark, husky voice. "WHAT MADE YOU HAPPY?" I yelled with all my might, "Recall your happiest memory! Who was in it? What was it about?"

"Mochida thinks he can date you, and I can't!" Yoshiki screamed, flinging himself at me. I screeched myself as he advanced on me, his eyes hungry. "My happiest memory... was you talking to me. Smiling, beautiful, it was the last term of the school year. I always admired you from a distance away, and in that moment, you spoke to me! AAHH." He fell on his knees again, clutching my shoe. "But then Mochida had to butt in..." Yoshiki growled, his eyes glowing red. I gulped. "You kissed once, didn't you?" Yoshiki inquired. "Admit it!"

I was speechless. I made him happy? I was the reason his life was worth living? I always sensed that, but having him actually say that is a bit overwhelming. But in what way can I appease him without leaving the appeasing job unfinished? "I never kissed Mochida," I finally stated. "I only kissed you. Once. You were the first boy I kissed, Yoshiki. If I make you happy, I will continue making you happy. I-I promise." A lump got stuck in my throat. Yoshiki will definitely make sure I keep that promise. How will I save the world from Sachiko?

"But I need to speak to everyone else," I continue. "So trust me, and I will return to you when my fate here is finished." Yoshiki slowly looked up at me, grinning. "R-really?" he whispered, his eyes hopeful. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. He rose in the air, and planted a watch on my wrist. "Come back to me in one hour," he whispered, and disappeared. The watch, set on one hour, started to tick down to one hour.

I did it. I appeased one of my lovers. Now I'm exhausted.

I collapsed.

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