Chapter #2) Teenage Murders?

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(A/N: Captain Hook doesn't age due to a curse from his past so yeah.. Enjoy!)

"Well boys. We have even more visitors." Peter Pan told the lost boys the next morning after they got out of their bed rolls.

The boys murmured in confusion.

"The Pirates will be dealt with later, but we have some people looking for artifacts I may or may not have - I want them dead. Filthy thieves." He explained.

His boys, his lost boys, all beamed back at him, bloodthirsty and pleased.

"Well what are you standing around for? Get ready!" Peter snapped.


The Pirates were prepared to make way through Neverland and find if it had anything to offer them.

They left Starkey in charge of this ship as Killian, Smee and Bill made their way into the forest.

They started to venture through and found nothing. So they went back to the beach.

It started getting late.

Then they came upon something.

Peter Pan, Felix and the lost boys were surrounding a group of 3. The contrast to the mere mortals clothes and theirs was odd. The people were wearing jeans and t shirts, the boys wearing cloaks and wicked grins.

The Pirates were hidden and out of sight. The boys knew they were there. But Peter said nothing, so the boys did nothing.

"Who are you?" A man said, walking up to Peter and puffing his chest against his in an attempt to intimidate the generally small teen.

Felix stepped forward to protect their leader but Peter stuck his hand out in a 'stop' motion, causing him to immediately retract.

Peter looked up at the man and stared right back up at him with a sullen look on his face.

"Oh, did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter. Peter Pan."

"Y-you're the one that took my son!" The fear stricken woman standing with the other woman shrieked.

"Correct." Peter stated.

"Where is he?!" The man grumbled.

"I don't know, what's he look like?" Peter asked, giggling and playing dumb.

"Felix what'd I do with the boy we had last?" He asked, turning to his lieutenant.

"You did what you always do." Felix chuckled at pan. He had learned over the years how to deal with Peter. Felix would always stick by Pans side.

"Well. I guess I must have killed him then.." Peter mock sighed.

The mans expression lost colour and the woman started sobbing, the other woman holding her.

"I don't believe you. You better give us the kid." The man grumbled.

Peter smiled like a Cheshire Cat.

"Well, where is not believing going to get you?" He asked, backing up slightly and putting his arms out in a cocky manner.

He turned around and looked at his boys before turning to the man and looking him directly in the eyes, the grin still present.

"Let's play." Was all he said. The boys attacked.

The boys went into action quickly. Felix grabbed a woman and quickly sliced her throat, dropping her to the ground and relishing in the proud smile Peter gave him.

Smee looked sick. Bill and hook looked at each other in astonishment.

These teenaged boys were murdering with ease, and they were happy whilst doing so. It surprised them.

All of the sudden hook felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see a fairy and gave the small, blonde fairy a questioning look.

"Don't be surprised. Peter Pan is evil, and his boys do so as he asks. He may look like a boy, but he's a bloody demon." She advised.

The Pirates just swatted her away and turned back to the fight.

Peter startled the distracted man by pinning him against a tree. Normally he wouldn't be able to, as he is small and not super built. But the man was distracted by seeing the woman die.

Peter kept him there by putting a sword to his throat.

"You don't believe. I need to control the belief. I need people to believe." He growled to the man.

"What do you need us to believe in?" The man said sarcastically.

Peter looked him in the eyes and said "Me," before slitting his throat and letting him drop.

All three were killed.

Pan held his sword aloft as a beacon, the blade gleaming a brilliant crimson beneath the starlight. His smirk was wide and on the far-side of feral as his Boys assembled.

"Liked the show Pirates? That's just a bit of what we can do." Peter laughed, finally acknowledging the fact that they were there.

The Pirates stayed still.

It took only a few notes of tentative laughter from the boys in their midst before they were shouting and creating a glorious ruckus of boasts and jibes.

Pan's laughter was a harsh, unspoken threat to an elsewhere Captain as he surveyed the damage.

The Pirates stayed still.

A celebratory bonfire was in order, and so they paraded away from the blood-soaked beach and back to the Forest.

The Pirates stayed still.

The lost boy (Peter PanxCaptain Hook)Where stories live. Discover now