Chapter #5) Tell Me A Story

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The next morning Killian and his crew set out to explore the depths of Neverland once again.

So they packed some things for the day's venture and started searching.

The Pirates were on edge. They'd be lying if they said a certain group of never aging kids didn't intimidate them at least a bit.


"Captain, can be take a wee break?.." Smee panted.

The crew were sweating in the blistering heat.

"I guess we can stop for a bit. Find a clearing for us to sit." Killian ordered.

"There's nor a clearing for a bit, I reckon." John estimated, wiping sweat from his brow.

"Then we're walking for a bit, I reckon." Killian mocked, shooting a glare.

The crew nodded and picked up their pace, hoping to get a break soon.

A little bit later they start hearing noise. Hoots and laughing and cheering.

"What's that?" Bill asked, looking at Killian.

Killian shrugged and pushed a leaf back, stepping out to expose the source of joyous noises.

There was the lost boys.

This was the way the lost boys life worked. They played and spent time in a small clearing. The clearing had a tree house. The tree holding the house had two ropes hanging down from the very high and dangerous height. To the side there was a long wooden table. The table had maps and tools and odd trinkets and items the boys had made. Not to far from the clearing was another clearing, a small path had been made to show the way; there was a fire pit of with logs around, and a shack. Sleeping rolls covered the sides of the clearing and hammocks hung off trees. Killian wondered how someone could live like this, barren and without the simple pleasurable things in life.

The boys accepted what they had. It they really wanted something they could just imagine it and it would appear. They liked living like this. Even if you never grew up, boys were boys and they did boy things. That meant they had knife throwing contests and ate like pigs and were a generally chaotic bunch - thank god Felix had stepped up, snapping out orders when Peter didn't want to.

Boys were hanging from the ropes and laughing, boys were 'sword-fighting' with sticks while some cheered them on.

"How the hell are they wearing those cloaks in this heat?" Starkey asked and Killian shrugged.

Peter was sitting criss-crossed on the ground sharpening a stick with a dagger; in his own world.

Felix was sitting on a rock with his hood up, watching the boys childish antics.

He sees the Pirates and stands. He heads towards them and flicks Peters head, nodding his head towards them.

Peter looks up, frowning because he didn't enjoy being flicked.

His displeased expression broke into a Cheshire grin when he spotted the Pirates.

He hopped up and walked towards them. His stride as graceful and calculating as a cat.

"Well hello," Peter grinned, shifting his weight so his hip jutted out a little, in a sort of girlish manner.

"What are you planning to do pan, kill us?" Killian sighed.

But Pan just laughs, grips Killian's shoulder and laughs, "Kill you? Oh no, Captain. I'll never kill you, that'd be boring. No, I want you to tell me a story."

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