Chapter #6) The Day Was Silent

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(A/N: this chapters a bit short. Sorry. Bye. Enjoy. -Tori Dean)

The day had been silent.

The men had been continuing their seemingly never ending search through Neverland.

They had absolutely no run ins with the lost boys.

It worried them. Killian wondered if Peter was embarrassed because of the state he was in last night, maybe he decided to leave them alone?

Night had fallen and the Pirates sat on the beach, drinking from their flasks of rum and joking.

"That Peter pan, if not so cruel he would make a fine piece of arse!" Bill crudely laughed.

Killian took another long sip from his flask. He didn't like the way they talked about the odd boy, it made him feel possessive and angry.

He nodded and stood.

"I'm off to the ship. Don't die out here." He jokingly said, though there was a hint of true warning underneath.

Killian walked into his cabin that was dimly lit to find a surprise.

Peter Pan was in his chambers, curiously going through his things.

He had a look of innocence and curiosity on his face as he ran his hand down the side of a map hanging on the wall.

Killian coughed and the boy looked up, smirking.

"What are you doing in my chambers, boy?" He asked.

"I didn't know they were yours." Peter shrugged, continuing to go through the captains things.

"It states my name on the door." Killian chuckled.

"Oh.. um..." Peter suddenly looked uncomfortable. He wasn't sure how to explain to such a intelligent man that he could in fact not read anything other then a map.

"Can you not read?" Killian teased.

Peter looked down in slight shame.

"Oh, you can't.." Killian realized. "It's not a big deal." He assured and Peter shrugged.

Pan continued to rummage.

He pulled out a radio and pressed a button, gasping when it broke into static noises.

He looked at it in amazement.

"Is it a instrument?" He asked in wonder.

"It's a radio, my boy." Killian laughed. It was quite amazing watching the boy stare wonderly. Wonderly is not a word but there is not better way to explain the way to boy was amazed.

"From main land?" Peter looks up at Killian. His small hands wrap around the sides of the portable radio. For someone who almost always was devious he looked rather childlike and well, adorable.

Killian nodded and smirked. Peter smiled with fake innocence and pulled the multi-patterned cloak he was wearing up, to place the radio on the inside pocket and dropping the cloak.

Killian shook his head and chuckled.

Peter nodded and Killian watched in confusion as he hopped onto Killian's l desk underneath the window but his confusion vanished as Peter hooped through the window and into the night.

The lost boy (Peter PanxCaptain Hook)Where stories live. Discover now