Chapter #11) Sentimental Old Hag

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It was morning when their journey through worlds stopped as they were on earth; mainland.

"We've arrived!" Killian shouted and the Pirates all cheered.


They planned to spend the day exploring the festival the city had going on for the day.

Killian escorted them from the port and suddenly heard a gasp as they reached the street.

He raised and eyebrow at the boys who all backed away from the street and stared at the city in wonder.

"This- it's so different." Fox stated.

"Oh, yeah!" Killian realized and smiled at the boys confusion. "We have all kinds of stuff now- like electricity, refrigerators, etc." he shrugged.

"What is that?" Tootles asked and suddenly the boys (including Peter Pan) were demanding he explain. Peter was making that expectant, "explain-the-absurdity-of-society-to-me-Felix" face.

They carried out the days planned and hook got to see the lost boys do some generally normal things for once.

They got to the Jolly Rodger at the end of night and Peter dismissed his boys, sending them to bed.

Killian got up to head to bed himself.

"One last thing." Peter spoke causing Killian to freeze.

"I thought we were all done for the day." Killian asked.

"I didn't want the boys to join us on this errand." Peter shrugged.


Pan led Killian through the streets when he arrived at a nice looking house. Peter knocked and a women answered.

She gasped at the sight of him. "P-Peter?"

"It's me, Wendy." He whispered, looking slightly sad.

The woman pulled him into a hug and Killian stood awkwardly as they embraced.

Peter walked past the women and into the house rather rudely, heading up stairs. Wendy moved over for Hook to walk in, smiling at him.

Killian followed Peter up the stairs to see him enter a bedroom. A little girl sat on the floor, reading a storybook.

She looked up and gasped.

"Peter!" She shrieked and hopped up, running to him. Pan scooped her up in his arms and smiled goofily at her.

"Hi Jane,"

Killian watched with a fond expression as Peter and the girl giggle.

"I missed you, you haven't visited in so long!" Jane pouted.

Peters face went sympathetic. "Sorry Jane."

Peter walked to the window and briskly shut it, clicking the lock.

"Promise me you won't open the window anymore." Peter demanded. He didn't want Jane to ever end up being took from home by the shadow, he wouldn't do that to Wendy but the shadow did sometimes do things on its own accord.

Killian gave him a weird look. Jane nodded.

"Coffee?" Wendy suggested and Peter waved Killian and Wendy off to have coffee downstairs while he played with Jane.

About 15 minutes later Peter hopped down the stairs.

"Asleep?" Wendy asked and Peter nodded.

Wendy walked up and hugged Peter tight.

"I hope your okay one day Peter, because I can tell you're not." She sighed.

Peter scrunched his nose and muttered 'sentimental old hag..' Earning a backhand from the women.

Killian flinched, worried Peter would retaliate but Peter and Wendy laughed.

"Ready to go?" Killian asked and Peter nodded, kissing Wendy on the cheek and pulling Killian outside by the sleeve.

They made there way home silently. Killian confused as to who Wendy and Jane were, and why Peter was so sweet with them.


Killian walked out onto the deck. It was getting later and he just wanted to get fresh air; when he spotted Peter sitting on the edge of the ship, legs dangling in the air. He had a pouty expression on his face, like a child who didn't get what they wanted.

Killian came and swung his legs over the side, sitting beside the sulking boy.

"What is it m'boy?"

"You keep something of yourself from me. I want it." Pan growled.

"Love?" Killian suggested on a wing. The word made the child go rigid and he visibly swallowed.

Killians face was soft and he wasn't sure whether to smile because Peter was looking to him for love or to frown cause the child didn't know what it felt like.

Surely the lost boys all loved each other but there's a difference between family love and romance.

"That's it isn't it?" Killian confirmed, voice gentle.

Pan looked unsure, his posture looking like he was ready to fly away at any moment. This was unfamiliar territory for him.

Killian felt safe, and in Peters eyes; that was dangerous.

Killian debated on how to handle the situation knowing that one wrong move and the boy might get angered.

Finally he leaned over and kissed him, holding him close with a hand on his cheek.

Peter Pan is like an infection. Once he gets into your brain or under your skin, he spreads. He spreads until the virus that is Peter Pan, possesses you. But the virus didn't only possess Killian's head, it possessed his heart.

When they pulled apart Peter had a wide smile and his eyes danced, Killian's expression hardened as he looked down at the content boy.
"How do I know this isn't another of your games Pan?"

Peters face dropped and his eyebrows furrowed. "I promise." He nearly whispered. The sincerity was clear on his face.

"You lie quite a bit, m'boy." Killian countered, face lightening in the slightest.

"I always keep my promises."

Dangerous. This boy is dangerous. I'm not just playing with a boy; I'm playing with a demon. I think I'm okay with that.

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