Chapter #4) Killian Was Curious

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Killian was more or less horrified by the scene that has unraveled before him. He had seen gore and created gore; but nothing was as horrifying as seeing mere teenaged boys murder.

"Head back to the ship." Killian demanded his crew as he watched the boys leave, pleased with the outcome of their attack.

Smee goes to protest but Killian gives him a look that makes him nod and trod off with the others.

Killian sits on a rock and rubs his good hand over his face in a stressed manner.

He then grab his flask full of rum and tips his head back, drinking his sweet release. Alcohol.

So there Killian sat in the darkness of the night, drowning the pain of his past in rum.

"You're new." He heard a female voice from behind him.

Killian turned to see a blonde girl, wearing a makeshift leaf dress. If he swung that way he would be attracted to her.

"What do you want?" Killian grumbles as the girl leaned over curiously.

"Well it seems that Peter has taken a liking to you. I figured you might like some info and advice on how to deal with him." She shrugged.

"I think I can deal with him." Killian grumbled.

"Don't be so confident. My names tink. Follow me to my little shack and we can talk about the boy." She insisted.

"Killian." He grumbles, following Tink into a shack that she calls home.

They sits down on makeshift stools and he looks at the girl expectantly.

"Well. Peter was raised by fairies. I was a fairy once but as you see; my wings are gone." She started, sighing as she thought about the loss of her wings.

"As he grew we noticed he was becoming a little strange, a little twisted. He would play games with the natives who used to live here; but when he accidentally hurt them he would smile rather then apologize. Eventually it got to the point where he was scaring us, and the fairies - all but me - left. I eventually left too. But he has me trapped on the island."

"What did he do to scare you away?" Killian asked, emphasizing the word 'you'.

Tink looks away, remember the day. The boy was probably flying through the island per usual; she had no idea where he was. Probably annoying travellers or playing children's games with the fairies. She was looking around for something to tinker and take up time with. She had pushed back a leaf and climbed through a few branches when she saw it. 14 year old Peter Pan in a crumpled form on the ground. A body and blade next to him. His hands and face were bloodied, the Crimson standing out on his pale skin. He had a look of pure horror on his face. Horrified by himself. He looked up at tink with tear filled eyes. Tink gasped at the sight. "I-I didn't mean to Tink. I-I-" he broke into a fit of sobs. Tink couldn't believe her little Peter had KILLED someone. "Peter. Oh my god Peter. You killed him! The others were right for leaving. You've turned into a monster... A bloody demon. I'm leaving. I'm sorry Peter." She rambled, petrified. "No, Tink don't leave! Don't leave like everyone does!" He screeched as she turned and ran. Peter pulled his knees close and stayed like that for hours.

It wasn't long after that he ripped her wings out. She remembers that too. "Can't leave me now, can you!" He mocked, ripping them from her body. "I loved you like a son. No one will love the creature you've become." She snapped. His eyes showed pain and hurt. Probably the last time he showed her emotion. He muttered something about how he already knew that, and about how everyone left him in the end, and flew off.

Tink looked down and spilled it all. Killian just nodded and listened to the ex-fairies words.

"Now to deal with him is hard." She sighed.

How can she explain that evil made flesh here? How can she explain that shallow graves are so easy to find, you just follow the playful trail of a boy-king with the face of a cherub and the grin of a jackal, and hope he's entertained enough by your hunt for his casual sense of fair play to overpower his deranged taste for suffering?

How do you tell men who have faced the fury of the ocean, rugged and worn tough, that an adolescent rules this world and his teasing whims are the most terrible monster of all?

Pan, she knew, was both more and less then what people perceived him to be; he was of course not the boy he face pretended he was but it was more than that, he was impossibly cruel and manipulative but he also desperately wanted people to want him, need him, love him.

He was abandoned by his parents and the only adults he trusted were the fairies; then the fairies left. All of them abandoned him. Wendy grew up. He had abandonment issues already because of his parents he never knew and the fairies made it worse.

"Keep the boy amused. Pan is horrifying when he plays with you, but he's most dangerous when bored." She advises.

"I've watched him Killian. He's deranged. He's got a dark mind. But I see his sadness underneath it all. I see the little lost boy who would tease me and the fairies. I see it when he takes a cat nap in a tree and wakes in fits of nightmares about blood and gore, and being left. I regret leaving him now. He could've been saved; but I ruined the chance. I was the last one there for him and I left; he broke. He won't let anyone back in his mind and heart now. The closest to him are his boys and he doesn't even let them know all his thoughts. He's cold hearted because he doesn't want to be hurt again. He's so hurt." She looked at her fingers, ashamed by her own acts that happened so long ago.

Despite his youthful and innocent face Peter was far from innocent. He was a demon underneath the facade but then why was Killian so helplessly attracted to him?

"Why did he trap you in Neverland?" Killian asks after a moment of silence.

"He likes broken things."

Peter was self-centred and selfish. Fire and freedom.

Killian was curious.

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