A/N: Updates

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Hello, my lovely Rays Of Sunshine! Long-time no see? Or talk. I'm sorry for not updating but please know I haven't forgotten about you all! The second part of 'Saving Splendor' already has 300 words and is about 500 to 1000 more words till it's done! So, yay, new part soon! However, this isn't what this update is for.

I've cleaned up the book a bit! And done some editing to the book! Of course, some parts still need to be edited. ;u; 

I've also cleaned the plot up a bit! Which means I changed some parts...Okay, a lot of parts. So, if you're bored then please, reread the book so you understand a few things. Now, when I say I changed stuff I mean, I took out whole chapters and scenes. Though, I feel bad for doing this. (Tho I had to do it bc the plot would've been messy and made no sense.) So, if you guys want I'll find all the parts that I changed and put them into one chapter. 

But for now, here are some things I added/changed. 

1. Hoodie was never shy! He just doesn't like to talk. 
-Yeah, you heard me. When I started this book I hadn't watched Marble Hornets and didn't understand that Hoodie wasn't a stuttering mess. He was actually an AMAZING bean. 

2. Hoodie never liked Masky. 
-Okay, I wanted to add this bc I had a WHOLE other plot. But after rewriting the original plot about five times I got rid of this part. Since this didn't work I just lost a very supportive character and yeah, I didn't want that. So, I took this part out.

3. Proxy 'Training Camp'. 
-This is just something Masky mentions in his thoughts, but it is important. I can't say why, but it is.

4. More people living in the house. 
-They'll pop up later. 

5. Other little details! 
-I just added some more stuff! Little things, sure, but you might want to read them. 

But yeah, the next part should be out soon! 

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