(12) Dumbass

535 10 11

Brian's POV

I hummed along to the song that played in the car. Emily sat in the back, fast asleep. She'd woken up not too long ago, scared witless. I'd only managed to calm her down by talking about Tim and Splendorman. Although, I wasn't able to keep her awake nor did I want to. I like being alone. Being around people was exhausting and, frankly, I hated talking to them in general. The only humans being I could stand being around was Tim and EJ; if EJ could be counted as human.

The sun was at it's highest point, breaking through the millions of trees that fought to block it, beating down on the car and me. Tim and Tobias should be back soon, otherwise, I would've passed out by now. The Operator worked us to the bone, something the Killers didn't understand. We got the bare minimum of sleep, normally only getting two or three hours at most.

It fucking sucked.

The only perks about being The Operator's loyal dog is that I get more food than the rest. Otherwise, we get zero free time, rest, freedom, and any basic human right. That's why I'm so thankful Tobias came around. Whenever there is a new Killer or Proxy The Operator goes soft on everyone. Why? Because he wants to build some sort of true loyalty before he crushes them into submission.

My train of thought was broken by the sound of knocking on the car window. Snapping my head to the side, I noticed Tim, then I noticed he was holding someone.

I hopped out of the car, slamming the door behind me as I got a better look at the person Tim was holding. Tobias. 

"What happened?" I asked, swiftly rushing out around the car and to the truck where the first aid kit was.

"I'm not too sure! One minute we're walking back and the next he's going face-first into the ground." Tim explained.

Sighing, I slamming the truck shut. "Set him down," I commanded. Tim swiftly complied. I kneeled beside the brunette's unconscious body. It was fairly clear why Tobias had passed out; he'd been stabbed in the right shoulder resulting in blood loose. How hadn't he noticed this? Even if he has an insanely high pain tolerance he should've felt something.
Deciding that it'd be best if I forgot about it, for the time being, I speedily got to work.


It's been a week and a half since our mission, along with Tobias's incident. Tobias woke up a few hours after he left the forest, he was fairly disoriented but after a brief explanation of what happened, we were able to calm him down.

There was also a heartfelt reunion between Splendorman and Emily. They both looked glad to have each other back, which I mildly understood. If Tim would've been the one kidnapped, and I was the one who was molested, beaten and left for dead, I'd also be fairly happy too.

It took another week to get back, the car packed with people. Splendorman in his human form, of course. We'd ended up spending a bit more cash then Tim or I were comfortable with. Still, we made it back. Mission successful and Tobias not dead.

Speaking of Tobias, I learned that he is unable to feel pain, which explains why he didn't feel that stab wound. It also means we'll have to keep a closer eye on that kid. With his carelessness, I wonder how he's made it this far in life.

Anyhow, the past few days have been quite peaceful. We got back three days ago and in these past three days we've been wrapping up the mission, in other words, doing paperwork. Both Tim and I have been swamped in it, mostly because Tobias is clueless in this area.

In all honesty, I'm doubting whether or not Tobias is a valuable asset to the Proxies. But that doesn't matter right now, he'll get better sooner or later. I hope. See, my doubts come from Tobias showing everyone his true colours. Instead of the anxious, scared and fairly quiet teenager he'd come off as, he's rambunctious, noisy and boisterous. Qualities that are uncommon in Proxies.


Protruding knocks filled my ears as I tore my eyes from the paperwork I had been reading, I'd blanked out and couldn't remember a lick of I'd just read.

"Come in," I mumbled hallowly, my voice as empty as the room I sat in. My sideburned friend soon came crashing into the room. Unknowingly to anyone, a simple smirk and glim of amusement filled my face at the sight of him.

"Brain," He stated, glancing thoughtfully towards the papers on my rotting desk.

"Timothy," I responded absentmindedly.

"Operator called again. Another wonderful mission for us to complete," The blond groaned, slumping onto my dying bed. The springs squeaked and cried under Tim's weight, causing me to cringe. It always made that sound, but I could never get used to it.

"I see," I sighed. "How long?" I asked, not caring too much for the other details. I'd get the report sooner or later.

"God only knows," My friend mask shrugged. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Tim's words. 'God'? I don't think God wants to know about the missions The Operator assigns to us.

"Duly noted. I'll start packing right now," I informed, hopping onto my feet. My heavy boots hit the floor with a thump, a few popping noises soon followed. The sound of my joints popping, to be exact.

"Oh, and Toby's not coming. Since, y'know, Kate's back,"

"What?!" I chocked out as I nearly had a heart attack. Kate was the last person I wanted to be stuck on a mission with right now. We had some unfinished business, something I'd love to keep avoiding. But knowing that women, she'll get right to the point.

"Sorry, bud. Operator's orders," Slipping back onto his feet, Tim shrugged nonchalantly. Before I was able to slide another word in, my brunette friend was gone.

"Fuuucccckkk," I groaned, ripping a bag out of my closet and shoving clothes into it. They were all the same thing, orange sweaters with black masks. However, there were some expectations. Example A, my grey hoodie.



"B-But-" I stuttered out. Masky stood in front of me, his manner tentative and apologetic. The larger male held tightly onto his left arm, his body stiff and anxious.

"Sorry, Toby. But I can't do anything about this," He apologized with a shrug. "A mission is a mission, and I can't keep babysitting you. You're gonna have to grow up a little bit. Put on your big boy pants and make some other friends," Masky deadpanned, although his voice still held it's gentle and apologetic tone. Something I was learning to appreciate.

"I-I know that," I mumbled, embarrassed by the facts. "E-Everyone is so sca-ry! And without you h-here to support me..." I went on, daring to not finish the sentence. Over the past while, I'd become quite attached to Masky. It was so clear that I couldn't even miss it. I didn't like it, not one bit. What could I say? He's just been so nice to me, that I don't know how to function without him. He's protected me from Eyeless, Jeff's angered knife throwing sessions, and so, so much more.

"I'm sorry, Tobs, I don't know what to tell you," He shrugged. Cautiously, Masky raised his hand and patted my head. The brunette had learned that any swift and harsh actions caused me to either flinch or become defensive. I had yet to tell him about my father, the reason for his forced caution, but he did understand and respect my boundaries. His large hands were soothing to me, the warmth from another human was I'd sorely lacked throughout my life. Something I never lacked around Masky. "Now," He mumbled.  "Hoodie, Katie, and I gotta start packing," He stated, his hand dropping down to his side. 

"Aa-aa-at least let me hang out with you we-well you pack...!" I frowned. He nodded.


Word Count; (1359)

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