1. Life begins

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Time is a thing that can save, or kill. Time, it can be fast or slow. It can make a person feel secure or frightened. It deceives the one who hopes the most and will reward the one who ignores it.

Time kills the man, who oversees it.

"Hey! Wait for me!" A sudden yell made Changbin stop right on his tracks.

He turned to look back, even though he would recognize that voice anywhere.

"Lix, what's up?" Changbin asked, smiling.

Felix's smile was something Changbin would die for. It brightened up the room, even the sky when they were outside. Changbin looked at the boy in front of him waiting for a response.

"I'll go with you," Felix announced, starting to walk beside Changbin.

"So you rather spend time with me, than enjoy your day off?" Changbin asked teasingly.

Felix poked his shoulder, grinning. Changbin knew that his dreams were wasted. A dream where he could be with Felix. A dream that seemed better than anything else.



"I was thinking of going to the studio later to practice," Felix hummed, seeming happy.

Changbin was almost overwhelmed by the way Felix was trying to work harder. He trained so much that even Chris was frightened of it, even though Chris worked the tiniest bit more than Felix.

"Are you sure? This is our day off..." Changbin asked, trying to figure out Felix's thoughts.

"Yeah," Felix smiled. "I want to master the dance moves... I feel like I can do so much better than this,"

Changbin wanted to nag at the younger, but he simply couldn't do that. "You're already so good at dancing, Lix..."

"But I could be better."

Changbin gave up. He didn't want to argue with Felix, so he let it be. He trusted Felix to take care of himself.

Their journey stopped in front of a cafe, where Changbin turned to the younger, asking if he would like a coffee. Felix agreed and soon, they sat inside the cafe, sipping on drinks.



"You have coffee on your chin..."

Changbin was embarrassed and quickly wiped his chin with his sleeve. Felix's big eyes followed his movements as if they were recording everything. Changbin wanted to say how beautiful Felix's eyes were, but he decided to stay silent.

Suddenly Felix started laughing. "Hyung, you're funny..." He giggled.

Changbin's lips turned up and he looked younger. "Am I your favorite hyung?"


They talked about all normal stuff, like music, movies, and weather. Soon they noticed their cups were empty and that was a sign to head back home, where Woojin was probably ready with their dinner.

The journey back felt great. Stealing glances from each other, they walked quietly. Changbin fought back an urge to take Felix's hand into his own. He wanted to say things, but he didn't want to frighten the other.

Look at him and tell him what's on your mind.

No, he can't. Felix might not like him back, so he didn't want to ruin anything. Their friendship was important.

If you now let this go, you may not have the opportunity later on.

Still, Changbin refuses.

"Hyung? Are going to come?" Felix asked as he held the door to their home open.

Changbin shook off the thoughts and followed Felix inside. They went into the kitchen, where Woojin and Hyunjin were gathered around the counter.

"Welcome back," Woojin smiled as he noticed the two.

"Dinner's ready soon," Hyunjin hummed, not looking at them.

Changbin nodded and walked past them, to the living room. Jisung, Minho and Jeongin were on the couch, fighting over the remote control.

"Give it to me!" Jeongin screamed, pushing Minho's face away from him.

"We're not watching that!" Jisung yelled, grabbing the remote, hiding it behind his back.

Minho's eyes turned red as he launched at Jisung, who rolled off of the couch. Jeongin jumped after Jisung, grabbing his leg, so Jisung fell to the floor, dropping the remote. Minho almost managed to grab the remote, but Changbin took it before him.

Changbin said nothing and turned the tv off.

"No! What have you done!!!" Jeongin cried out.

Felix walked next to Changbin, taking the remote. "Don't fight over the tv, guys... dinner's ready soon."

"But I wanted to watch that show..." Jisung moaned, letting go of Minho's arm, he had been holding tightly.

Changbin didn't always understand his friends. Their music was mature and meaningful, but their personalities were equal to five-year-olds.

"Dinner's ready! Come to eat!" Hyunjin's voice cut off Jisung's and Minho's bickering.

The boys ran into the kitchen, taking their places around the table. Bang Chan and Seungmin came after them, sitting down. Hyunjin set the food on the table and settled down.

"Bon appetit," Woojin smiled and everyone started putting food on their plates.

Dinner was calm, happy and carefree. Their high pitched chatting filled the room and soon, everyone had eaten.

Bang Chan and Felix began to collect the dishes, smiling from time to time. Changbin eyed them, feeling a hint of jealousy, but he knew better.

"Binnie-hyung... can we have the remote now?" Jeongin asked as he clung onto Changbin's arm.

"Are you guys going to fight again?" Changbin asked, eyeing him.

Jeongin shook his head. "We already decided what we're going to watch."

"Alright then, but please don't bicker over it anymore," Changbin sighed and handed the remote control over to Jeongin, who then ran to the couch, turning the tv on.

Changbin turned to look at Felix. The younger hugged their leader, smiling widely. Bang Chan said something to Felix, but Changbin didn't hear it.

"Binnie?" Bang Chan asked as he noticed him watching them.


"Is something wrong?"

"Uh, no..."

Bang Chan gave a suspicious look, but nodded, understanding that Changbin isn't going to talk.

Tell them. Tell him all.

No. He can't do it. He can't destroy their friendship. He just can't.

"Anyways, guys... I'm going now." Felix announced, starting to gather his stuff.

Changbin looked at him, curious. "Are you still sure?"

Felix nodded. "Yeah, I want to."

"Don't be out late, Lix." Bang Chan smiled and patted Felix's shoulder, then going to the living room.

Changbin looked at Felix, wanting to say something.

"Binnie-hyung..." Felix started. "You are my favorite hyung." He smiled.

Changbin felt heat crawling up to his cheeks as he eyed the other. Felix put on his shoes and glanced over at Changbin.

"I'll go now, hyung." He said. "See you later."

Then Felix went out the door, leaving Changbin standing in the hallway, with red cheeks.

It felt like his life begun.

His life begins with Felix.

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