The Beginning- June 26, 2018

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The day he told me he was all in. Walking down that dusty road in the darkness would've been ominous had it not been for the thousands of lightning bugs decorating the trees like fairy lights, the crickets humming a soft symphony in the background and his hand in mine. He stopped me, tugging on my hand until I faced him fully and when his eyes locked on mine, the look in them made me catch my breath. I had never been looked at like that before- as if I was the most precious thing they'd ever beheld, like I was the future and everything before me was a distant memory. They held mini galaxies in them, the stars within swirling, ebbing and flowing in the most mesmerizing way- I found it difficult to look away. So, I didn't, and we stood there for a moment until he broke, his lilting accent caressing my ears as he admitted he needed to tell me something. But I felt a pull to sit on the small wooden bridge to our left, so before he could continue, I smiled and asked to sit.

With our feet dangling over the small creek below, I felt his hand settle on my face, his thumb tracing the outline on my lips. It should've been dark, I shouldn't have been able to see him so clearly but I could, clearer than I'd ever seen him before. Just as the realization settled in my chest, curling around my heart like a soft embrace, he told me he was all in. Despite whatever obstacles might come our way, he was all in- through the summer months and well after them too, he was all in. The promise filled the air around us as our lips met, floating away safely on the wind to exist for as long as our own forever lasted. 

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