Candle Wax- August 10, 2018

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Behind the blackness of my closed eyelids, I can still see the night sky and the way the stars shone during that last candle light. I can still feel the warm summer breeze on my skin, the tension in my neck growing as I angled my face upwards towards the heavens, his hand brushing mine as candle wax dripped down our fingers.

I hadn't expected to stand near him during that last candle light. But somehow, he found me in the lines of that haphazard triangle, and before I knew it, there he was, his face lit in the glow of candle light, his shoulder bumping against mine as he squeezed between me and my campers to say goodnight to Camp one last time.

I don't remember anything we said as we waited our turn to blow out our candles. I just remember how I felt, looking up at him as he looked down and comforted the campers clinging to his legs, begging not to leave. I remember the swell of pride in my chest as he looked up again and grinned at me- that gorgeous, heart stopping smile of his-and I realized how incredibly blessed I was to have met him, to love him.

The moment itself felt surreal in a way. The night sky was so perfect, the breeze warm, the handsome Brit at my side, the distant crash of the lake on the rocks positioned on shore lulling me into a trance. I had never once entertained the idea of achieving such happiness- but there I was, for the last time that summer realizing that fairytales do actually come true and I was deserving of my own happy ending.

When I looked out across the triangle of lights, I realized every candle was a symbol of one of the memories I had made at camp that summer- they had woven together to create a beautiful story that I would never, COULD never forget. And as each light was blown out, it felt like the turn of another page, quickly approaching the end of the story, until the last candle was blown out and the book that was the summer of 2018 was closed altogether. 

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