Joining- August 4, 2018

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Sweat slicked skin.

Mouths and bodies meeting for the first time.

Learning one another in a way we had never known before.

The darkness had settled over camp hours before, a chill spreading across my skin as we sat before the beach fire. People drank all around us, shouts sounded from those who risked braving the cold waters of the lake behind us and music boomed from a speaker only a few feet away but I was only aware of him. The way his chest felt pressed against my back. How he sent shivers down my spine even at the smallest of touches. How, even when he was the closest he could get, I still wanted him closer. When he leaned in and whispered in my ear the question I had been waiting to hear all night, I couldn't have said yes quickly enough.

As we slipped between the opening in the canvas walls of that cabent, the stars that had been shining above us as we made our way to boy's camp winked out of existence and suddenly, there was only him and the darkness and I became keenly aware of just how alone we were. We moved to the bed and laid there for a moment, bodies pressed together, our breaths quickening with each passing second until his mouth was on my neck, my jaw, my mouth and he was encouraging me to roll onto my back as he propped himself up onto his forearms.

I had always wondered what my first time would be like. Would it hurt? How long would I last? Would I bleed? How embarrassing would it be, exactly, to be completely naked in front of someone else? How terrible and inexperienced would I seem? How would I know it was the right time? But in those moments, with the darkness pressing in around us and our heavy breathing as the only sound filling my ears, I did not question a single thing. I knew, as he slowly tugged my pants off of my body, that I wanted him. All of him. Completely. I was desperate for him, pulling him back up my body until his mouth was on mine and he was pressing inside of me.

When he had settled himself completely in me, I remember being thankful I was lying down because I went lightheaded from the ecstasy that was the feeling of him. And when he started to move, he set my body ablaze. I had spent my entire life preparing for mediocre to poor sex when I finally lost my virginity but this...this was perfection. We were two pieces of the same puzzle coming together at last.

The rest of the night flew by, painfully fast, and I woke up in the morning desperately wishing I could turn back time. But when I turned over to face B, his eyelashes resting peacefully on his cheeks, I realized I didn't want to go back...I just wanted more. More of him, more of us and more of what we had shared the night before. So, I promised myself, in those quiet moments before he woke up and took me again, that as long as he'd be willing to give me more I would always take it and give back even more. 

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