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June 13 2019

A/N This oneshot was suggested by Devieluv4ever

It was out now that Peter Parker was actually Peter Romanoff.That meant everyone wanted to be his friend. Peter had learned to tell the difference between fakers and people who wanted to be friends. Having an assasin/spy as your mom came in handy. He was about to leave school, when someone called his name.
"Hey, Parker! But I guess it's Romanoff now. Anyway, wanna be friends?" Flash asked, running up to Peter. Peter just kept walking. That clearly annoyed Flash, but before he could say anything else, Peter was gone.


It had been a few weeks since Flash tried to be friends. Peter had experianced this alot since then. He was walking home because no one could pick him up. He turned into an alley, thinking he'd start patrol early. He walked into the alley. He heard something, but he decided it was just a rat. Wrong. He had been ignoring his spideysenses all day. Sure people were after Spider-man, but not Peter Parker. Correction, Peter Romanoff. That was until he felt a needle jab into him.


He woke up in chains. He was surprised the sleeping drug worked with his fast metabolisum. He looked around, realising that he was in a HYDRA interigation room.
"What do you want from me?" He asked the HYDRA agent who just walked into the room. He prayed they didn't know he was Spider-man.
"You are the son of Black Widow. We are using you as bait." They answered. He was made yo sit there, every so often given food. He estimated it had been 3 days since he had been kidnapped. He heard the door open, but he didn't look at it, knowing it was the HYDRA agent with his food. He saw the tray set infront of him. He heard a gunshot, and the HYDRA agent dropped to the ground, dead. Black Widow rushed over to her son.
"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" She franticaly asked, Clint, Wanda and Pietro appearing behind her. Peter looked at the chains and broke them. He stood up and immediatly became dizzy. Natasha grabbed him and picked him up.
"Cover us." She said to the other three heros. She ran to the quinjet with Peter.
"Check him over. Now." Natasha said to Bruce immediatly. Bruce obliged, checking up on him. He found no serious inguries, and said he would just have to start eating his normal portions of food. Natasha was overly thankful. The other Avengers were relived as well. Peter Romanoff had dug his way into each one of their hearts(he loved Natasha most, and Natasha loved Peter most). They decided to watch a movie together. Peter leaned against Natasha, and he and the other Avengers were quite content with their big, disorganized, disfuctional family.

A/N Might make a part 2, might not.

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