My Little Spider

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The Avengers(original 6) groaned as Fury told them to meet in room 3C in 15 minutes. Natasha muttered something in Russian while they all stood up. They walked into the room to see Fury and a scrawny kid who looked about 6 years old. He looked up at the Avengers with big brown eyes. He hid behind Fury, peeking out slightly. Fury reassured him they wouldn't hurt him and turned to the Avengers.
"He was orphaned and taken by HYDRA when he was about a year old. Has 50 percent spider DNA." Fury told them, pulling out a file. Peter slowly crept over to Natasha. Natasha noticed and crouched down.
"Hey buddy, I'm Natasha. What's your name?" Natasha asked. Peter stared at her, trying to translate what she said. He the slowly stuttered out an answer.
"M-my name i-is Peter P-Parker." Natasha's heart melted. She decided to continue the conversation in Russian.
"Какой твой любимый цвет?(What's your favorite colour?)" Natasha asked, sitting crossed-legged on the floor. Peter sat down in front of her and thought for a moment.
"Красный или синий(Red, or maybe blue.)" Peter said, smiling. His smile faded suddenly and looked scared.
"Вы собираетесь сделать мне больно?(A-are you going to hurt me?)" Peter asked, cowering back.
"Нет! Конечно, нет! Я бы никогда не сделал тебе больно!(No! Of course not! I would never hurt you!)" Natasha said, hurt but knowing why he was so afraid.
" Я тоже черная вдова(I'm also the Black Widow." Natasha whispered, a small smile on her face.
" Черная вдова - самый опасный паук...(The black widow is the most dangerous spider...)" Peter whispered seriously, wiping Natasha's smile completely. "Но ты хочешь защитить меня, верно?(But that means you'll protect me, right?)" Peter asked, smile returning. Natasha smiled.
"Конечно мой маленький паук!(Of course, my little spider!)" Natasha whispered. She and Peter stood up. Peter reached his arms up to Natasha, who picked him up. She turned to the others who were still looking at Peter's file. After about five minutes, the other Avengers turned to Natasha, who was holding Peter. They had almost identical expressions that said 'Are you done?' Natasha's face turned to one of protectiveness.
"I'm adopting him." She stated and walked out. The others stood there in shock until Fury said;
"Well, that went well." And turned back to the file.

A few weeks later, Natasha went to the Mall with Peter. They somehow managed to avoid the public by Natasha putting on a disguise. Peter and Natasha walked around, Peter picking up shirts and socks, Natasha picking up the other things he needed. Peter picked up two adult-sized black T-shirt and handed them to Natasha. Natasha took it and went to the cash to pay. Natasha and Peter walked around, hand in hand. Natasha felt a tug on her hand and looked at Peter. He was pointing at the craft store. Confused, Natasha followed Peter into the craft store. He picked up a paintbrush and a bottle of red fabric paint. Natasha paid for the craft supplies and they then left the Mall.
When they got to the tower, Peter grabbed the shirts and the craft supplies and ran to the room Tony gave him. Natasha sat down with Steve, Clint and Tony, turning to the T.V, which was tuned to the news.
An hour later, Peter toddled out wearing an over-sized, home-made T-shirt and put something into Natasha's lap. Natasha picked up the home-made T-shirt and read the sloppy writing on the front of it. Both T-shirts had the signature Black Widow hourglass, with writing in both Russian and English.
"Awww, I love it" Thank you мой маленький паук!(My Little Spider)" Natasha exclaimed, hugging Peter. She left and came back wearing the T-shirt. Clint and Tony snickered about how a6 year old could turn Natasha into a loving mother. They were quickly silenced by a glare.
A few months later, Peter was introduced to the public. It was in a press conference and Natasha walked out holding Peter. Before anyone could ask any questions, Natasha straight up told them;
"This is my adopted son Peter. He is My Little Spider. Mess with him and you're dead." She glared at everyone and then walked away.

A/N Pt. 2? Or should I make this a whole other book? The picture above is my art(I got lazy with it) and is what the t-shirts look like. 

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