School Dance.

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"I'm so sorry Peter. She wasn't due for another week."

"No, don't be sorry. You should be happy! Your sister's having her baby! Don't worry about it, I'll probably just tag along with Ned and Betty. Now you should probably go, since she's currently giving birth. Bye."


MJ had just delivered the news that she couldn't go to the homecoming dance. Peter wasn't mad, he was just a little bummed out. It had taken him months to build up the courage to finally ask her, and now she couldn't go. He was all dressed up too. Tony had rented a limo for him, Ned, Betty and MJ, so he couldn't not go.

Aunt May had died a little under a year ago, so he was now living with the Avengers. None of them officially adopted them, but they were all very parental. 

Thats now he found himself face planting onto Bucky and Steve's bed, interrupting their movie night.

"Hey Pete, what's up?" Steve asked, pausing the Disney movie.

"MJ'ssisterjustwentintolaborsonowIdon'thaveadatetothedanceandIfeelawkwardbeingathirdwheelbutIcan'tnotgobecauseTonyspentalotofmoneyofmytuxandthelimoandstuffbutIdon'twanttobeawkwardandIdon'tknowwhattodoandI'mgoingtodie!" He rambled out in the span of five seconds, not lifting his head from the mattress, making it mumble even more inaudible.

"FRIDAY, please repeat the but slower and louder." Bucky asked.

"MJ's sister just went into labor so now I don't have a date to the dance and I feel awkward being a third wheel but I can't not go because Tony spent a lot of money of my tux and the limo and stuff but I don't want to be awkward and I don't know what to do and I'm going to die!" FRIDAY played the recording of what he said, but slower and louder like requested.

"You're so dramatic," Bucky told him.

"NO I'M NOT! IT'S GOING TO BE SO AWKWARD!" He claimed, extremely defensive.

"Just don't go if it's such a big deal. Tony won't be mad. I'm sure you'll wear the suit again, and he'll still let your friends use the limo. Just don't freak out to much," Steve told him.

Peter sighed, "I guess. Can I watch a movie with you? Sorry if I interrupted some date thing."

"You're okay, come on up," Bucky told him, patting the space in between the two super soldiers. 

"We always got time for you kid," Steve told him. Peter squished himself between the two, excepting their cuddles, and started watching the movie with them. 

Steve started petting his hair, while Bucky pet his cheek with him thumb. They would be great parents. They are great parents to Peter, like the rest of the Avengers.


On The Other Side Of The Tower

"Ms. Romanoff, you're getting a phone call from Michelle Jones." FRIDAY announced.

"Isn't she supposed to be getting ready for the dance? FRIDAY, accept the call."

MJ's voice came through the speakers. "Hey Natasha, I need a favor."


Peter was just starting to doze off when a knock came from the door. "Come in," Bucky called, causing Peter to sit up and see who it was.

It was Natasha? Wearing a floor length turquoise dress (The one in the picture). Her hair was in loose curls at her shoulders.

"Hey Peter, the limo's almost here, you ready?" She called from the frame.

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