Sick Boy

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A/N This has a few lines from the song Sick Boy. The lines are not in order, sorry! But they fit better out of order.

Peter Romanoff was Spiderman. And, he had asthma.
Of coirse, Flash made fun of him for this, calling him "Sick Boy", even though he wasn't really sick. Natasha knew of this but had promised not to harm anyone outside of a battle.
Fast forward a few months to a Spiderman interveiw. The interveiwer had an asistant. Flash.
The interveiw was going good.
"Do you have any illnesses?" The interveiwer asked.
"Odd question, but if asthma counts, then yes."
"So, who are you really?" The news reporter asked, holding mic out to Spidey.
"Well, I'm Spider-Man!" Spidey answered, hands on his hips. His mask stretched under his eyes or around his cheeks, showing he was smiling.
"Who is your secret identity?" Flash asked, eager to know who his idol was.
"My secret identity!" Flash chuckled.
"No really though, who are you?" The interveiwer asked, raising an eyebrow. No one noticed Flash sneak up behind Peter. Not until it was too late. Everyone stared at the un-masked hero. He snatched his mask back. Black Widow came storming onto the stage, attemping to lead the young spider away.
"No, Mama." Peter said, causing Natasha to stand protectivly behind him.
"PARKER!?" Flash yelled, finally recovering from his shock. Natasha growled at him, remembering the nicknames. Peter looked at his mom.
"Let me handle this." Peter told Natasha, handing his mask over.
"What Flash, surprised?" Peter asked with a smirk. Flash nodded his head, and smiled nervously.
"Yes, I mean, we're best frien-" Flash was cut off.
"Excuse you."
"What for?" Flash asked nervously. The audience and the interveiwer were on the edge of their seats.
"You bully me!" Peter stated, crossing his arms. The audience gasped.
"What? No I d-don't! Give me an example!" Flash demanded nervously.
"You say that I am the 'Sick Boy'!" Peter stated, laughing. Again, the audiance gasped.
"Y-you're just j-jealous!" Flash insisted.
"Easy to say when you don't take the risk, Boy." Natasha said, holding up the Spider-Man mask.
"Where we're from they chose pride over character." Natasha and Peter stated together, shrugging.
"We're united under our indifferance!" The duo continued.
"You're still the Sick Boy!" Flash yelled at Peter. Once again, the audiance gasped.
"I am the- I am the- I am the Sick Boy!" Peter yelled back, proud.
"We can pick sides." Natasha said, shruging.
"This is us, this is us, this is." The Spiders stated, before Natasha turned around and walked off stage.
"I am the- I am the- I am the Sick Boy!" Peter declared proudly, before following his mother, flipping off Flash on the way out.
Peter soon adopted the name 'Sick Boy' as another slap in the face to his bullies.

A/N What..... is this....? BTW, Sick Boy is one of my favorite songs. Is that important? No, but it's a fun fact.

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