Clint and Sam screwing up/Shorts

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Peter clung to the ceiling, screaming and hissing at Sam.
"Get it away from me!" He screeched. Sam stood in the doorway holding a peppermint stick, confused. Peter kepr screeching until Clint came into the room.
"Get that away from me!" He schreeched, pointing at the peppermint stick.
"I know Sam is annoying, but he doesn't mean what he says most times." Clint told the spiderling.
"I didn't say anything!" Sam stated, still confused. Clint raised an eyebrow at Sam, turning back to Peter.
"He didn't!" Peter screamed, crawling away from them, into a corner. He curled into a ball, continuing to screech.
After a few minutes, Natasha walked in.
"What's going on here?" She asked her son. Peter pointed to Sam, hissing. Natasha walked over, grabbed the peppermint stick and walked.
She came back, ordered Sam to wash his hands and slowly, Peter got down.


Sam and Clint chuckled as they put hot sauce into the hot cocoa Peter left unattended.
He walked back in, his spideysenses tingling. He thought nothing of them, though. Peter picked up his mug to take a sip of it, but before he could, the mug was sent flying across the room. Everyone stared at Natasha and Carol, who were glaring at the shattered mug. The two ladies the rounded on Sam and Clint.
"What, thr f*ck!?" The protective mom asked angirly. Sam and Clint shared expressions of confusion, slong with the others.
"Hoy sauce!? We have no idea what could happen if he ingests that!" Carol stated, pointing a finger at the mug. Clint and Sam bolted, Natasha and Carol following closely.


Clint and Sam walked up to Peter on a Friday afternoon. They approached the spiderling as he walked out of the school. Peter glared at them, remembering the last time they had pranked him.
"Yes?" Peter asked snarkily, surprising the kids around him. Flash raised an eyebrow. Peter would pay for that. Peter must have known what Flash was thinking, as he flipped the bully off.
"Here. We're sorry." Sam stated, as Clint handed over a styrefoam cup. Peter catiously took it, before retching and covering his nose. Peter bolted, running in the direction of the back of the school.
After a few seconds of everyone staring a jet landed down, and an angry Carol came running out from the school.
"Sam Wislon and Clint Barton!" She roared. Sam and Clint gave each other the 'Oh sh*t' look and turned around, attemping to flee the scene. Carol grabbed each man by the collar and spun them around.
"Really!? Citris, vinagar and MINT!?Are you trying to kill him!? Are you trying to make him run away!? You're lucky it was me who came and not Natasha!" Carol yelled, dragging the men away behind the school.
The jet powered up and was gone, the students left staring.
"What the f*ck?" Was the only question Peter was asked the following Monday.

Fun Facts: Spiders hate the smell of peppermint, capsaicin(the substance that creates the heat in hot peppers), citris, mint and vinagar, to name a few.
Hi! I need some prompts, guys! Help me out!
Love you all!
-Stella, your author

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