Old Friend Part 3

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"Um... Hi?" Spidey said. Immediatly, the room was filled with questions, getting louder by the second.
"Woah, hold your horses!" Spidey said, covering his ears. When it didn't quiet at all, he said something to Natasha, who nodded. Spidey then swung back out the window. At this the Avengers started to protest. Natasha screamed at the all.
"SHUT UP!" All the Avengers went quiet and looked at her.
"His senses are always dialed up to 11, you need to be quieter around him." She stated and looked at her phone. "He's coming back." She then sat down. It was a few moments before Spidey catiously came back through the window.
"Um- Hello? Can you not all talk at once?" Spidey asked nervously. He pulled off his mask to reveal the 15 year old Peter Parker. The Avengers started talking with Peter. After a while, the started to realise Spidey's secret identidy was still quite secret to them. They soon learned of Peter's bully(a complete accident) which Nat propmtly freaked out. They slowly bond and turn into a family.

A/N So.... I had writer's block(again) but I wanted to put out a chapter. Sorry it is so short!

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