Wings AU

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A/N Peter and Shuri are 14 in this. Wanda and Pietro are 17. Also, Pete has blue eys in this.

Most people have wings. Most people believe you are born with wings, but truly they only appear when you first feel at home.
None of the 'agents' knew about the whole wings thing.
So you can imagine Peter Romanoff's surprise when Natasha Romanoff, his mother who he had been taken from years ago, saved him from a HYDRA base. She led him into a world full of... angels?
"Mama? Why are there angels everywhere?" Peter asked his mother.
"They're not angels! Almost everyone has wings." Natasha told her son, who was looking at all the colourful wings.
People were looking at the two spiders, seeing as they didn't have wings.
"Why don't we have wings?" Peter asked, his blue eyes staring into Natasha's.
"I'll explain when we get home." Natasha said, pointing to the Tower. The boy marveled at the tower, forgetting about all the wings.
As Natasha and Peter walked out of the elevator, Clint ran up to them.
"Tasha, you won't believe the prank Sam p- who's this?" Clint asked, cutting his rambling short. Clint's blueish-purpleish wings shimmered and he looked down at Peter.
"This is my son, Peter. Remember I told you about him?" Natasha asked, putting a hand on Peter's shoulder. Just then, the twins walked into the room. Wanda spotted Peter first and the twins were over in a flash.
"Who's this?" She asked, red wings fluttering.
"This is my son, Peter." Natasha answered. Pietro shook Peter's hand, followed by Wanda.
"HA! I get a younger brother!" Pietro cheered, his silver wing shining. The other Avengers heard and walked into the room.
"Okay, Mama, did you lie to me? How do I know I'm not dead?" Peter whispered to his mother.
Tony has gold wings, Steve has blue wings, Bruce has pale orange wings, Thor also has gold wings. T'Chella has gray wings, Shuri's are a dark-ish pale-ish blue. Bucky has silver wings.
The Avenger laughed at Peter's statement. Natasha then introduced Peter to all the Avengers, and vice versa.
Peter was introduced to the modern world, with Shuri and the twins help. After a few days, Natasha's wings appeared. They were jet black, and larger than the average person's. Natasha was thrilled at this. Natasha started sending Peter to Shuri's school.
On Peter's first day, he was immediately made fun of for not having wings. He was called a liar because "Black Widow couldn't be Penis's Mom!" He did however, make a new friend. Ned Leeds, was his name, and the two boys and Shuri were great friends immediately.
After a few more days, Peter's wings appeared. They were the same colour as Natasha's, but they were small. So small they were barely visible.
With time, Peter's wings grew, and soon his wings were the largest in the school.

For some reason, he was bullied for this. Peter stopped caring, though. 

That was until one fateful Friday...

"Alright class, we are going to!" The teacher declared, stretching out the 'to' for suspense.

"Avengers Tower!" And Peter's head hit the desk.

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