Dark Moth

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As the night turns darker and deeper,

Crowds are getting wilder.
Flickering lights in the dark,
Spilled drinks that tends to mark.

Calm atmosphere into dark, foggy-blur air,
Crowds are getting wilder they seems not to care.
Emptied bottles are all over,
Some are dancing drunk to some lover.

Senses are switched on,
In vibrating speakers you'll never yawn.
Every corner you'll feel alive,
Showering good vibe.

Sad to say I feel ironically,
Wild vibe was not influenced  on me.
Like I don't belong to this kind of place,
An unfamiliar outcast which got lost in a maze.

I tried, okay
I was trying like a moth trying to camouflage in a colorful garden full of butterflies-I lay.
But I gaze up and realised,
I never belong, wake up! I can't just fantasized.

I'm just a plain dark moth that cries,
Trying to blend in a crowd of butterflies.
Hoping someday I'll belong,
Not to that garden, but to someplace I can really blend along.

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