Steel Into Swords

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A huge number were adding up,
Even young ones got involved.
It's sad how it turned out,
It seems like teens nowadays were mostly depressed.

Different people,
Different stories,
and so are their pain.
Struggles they choose to kept hidden and locked,
Burried sixth feet under.

Some quit and stopped,
Hoping their demons will.
Holding a sharp steel,
Thrusting much deeper as a thick and warm blood gushed out from its flesh.

Suicidal done by young ones  were getting outnumbered,
So sad to hear.
Hoping  you my dear ones to be brave,
To be brave in every battle you fight.

You are not alone,
Ending your life is not a solution.
Sadly, a lot of them quit but you my dear will never will.
You belong to the crowd who chose to fight back and soon win.

You are being molded.
Steel will not just turn into swords easily.
Melted and formed,
You can make it! Just learn to be patient and someday you'll get there.

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