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Adrenaline was on,
Heartbeat was uncontrollable.
Breathe were unstable,
Eyes filled by pain and fear.

Everything were like in slow motion,
Seing faces I can't explain nor tell.
Maybe, hatred? anger? Or much worse!?

Every single step they take,
Gets much worse for me to handle.
Hands were kept shaking,
Lips were quivering.

Running was all I can do,
Yet, everything ends and so are my path.
Dead end stopped myself from escaping,
Runnin' out of ideas, there I hid in a dark corner.

Hugging my knees tightly,
Doesn't works for me to calm down.
Tears were nonstop,
I tend to wipe again and again.

And there it stood my gaze,
A human figured shaddow pannicked me even more.
Fingernails were dug in my skin,
As I tightly hugged myself.

Forehead was on my knees trying to hid my face,
Eyes were tightly shut knowing what's gonna happen next.

Harshly, grabbing my arm.
More like dragging me to stood up.
Pain was all over,
Bruises in my arms would totally showed up from now.

And there they finally found me,
They can do whatever they've loved to.
And there, I was punished,
Screaming in pain, pleading to stop.

Trying to protect myself,
Trying to hurt less.
But all I can do to defend was to cover my head with my thin elbows.
Struggling every paddle they made.

I gasped for air,
Thankfully, they stopped.
Catching my breath,
My body was all tired.

Dried tears and sweat,
All over my face.
Tiny blood were slowly trickling,
Elbows were reddish-purple on my skin,
Obviously from every struggled I made.

They left, sure thing they were done.
Yet, pain will never be.
Time would probably heal it,
But my insides probably won't.

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