58) Home Alone

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"Livi!" I heard a call from behind me. I spun around to see Jono a few metres behind me, running to catch up.

"Hey!" I said, side hugging him since one arm was full of books and my computer.

"I heard a secret." He said.

"And that might be?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"That you won the dance award." Ah. This will be fun.

"No, I didn't. Lexi won it but apparently I was supposed to." I sighed, looking down and pretending to be sad.

"Oh." I said his hands ball into fists. "I'm going to kill Carter." He mumbled.

"Gotcha!" I squealed, my face lighting up.

"What?!" He asked.

"I won the award!" I squealed again.


"I tricked you!" I cut him off before bursting out laughing.

"You're not funny." He rolled his eyes before punching me in the arm.

"Hey! You're not allowed to punch me!" I gawked, even though it didn't hurt.

"Get over it." He rolled his eyes again but smiled this time.

"No. I will not get over it." I replied, sassily. "Not until you apologise." I huffed.

"Seriously?" He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Do I look like I'm joking to you?" I mimicked his face back to him.

"Yes, you always look like a clown." A voice whispered in my ear. I shot around to see Olli laughing with his mates whilst walking away.

"I do not!" I called out after him.

"What did he say?"

"I'm not talking to you." I huffed.

"Fine, fine. Sorry for punching you in the arm." He grinned like a mad-man.

"Thankyou. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to science."

"We're in the same science class stupid." He pointed out. Ugh.

Science was easy, much like the rest of the day. Assessments are done now so all the teachers are frantic trying to grade and write reports. My English teacher let us have the class to do whatever we wanted just because she was so desperate to keep marking some senior school exams.

Whilst I was sitting in English, my phone vibrated, and me being curious, I had to check it. I sneakily pulled it out to see a text from Jaxon to our family group chat.

JAXON – I have an exam that I forgot about so all of you are going to have to take the bus.

HUNTER – You forgot you had an exam!?

JAXON – Big deal.

LACHIE – I'm going with Lucas.

OLLI – I have an exam as well.

LIVI – What about me?!

JAXON – Catch the bus.

LIVI – I don't know how...

JAXON – It's easy. Walk to the bus stop. Get on the bus.

LIVI – Jaxon!

OLLI – Why don't you just get someone to pick you up?

LIVI – I'll work something out.

Arghhhh. Why do they have to be so annoying? I don't want to catch the bus! There are weirdos on the bus which I'm sure none of the boys would be happy with me interacting with.

"Pssst. Livi." Whispered Mila, next to me. I turned to her and nodded for her to keep talking. "Who were you texting?"

"My brothers. They have exams and can't take me home." I answered.

"I can drive you. My mum is picking me up and she can drive both of us."

"Really?" I checked, unable to believe my luck.

"Yeah, of course."

"Thankyou so much!"

"Anytime." She smiled at me before going back to her work.

I texted the group chat again to say Mila was dropping me home just in time before the bell went.

"Let's go." Said Mila.

We went to my locker then went over to hers. After that, we went and found her mum parked in the street across the road.

"Mum, this is Livi."

"Hi Livi, I'm Tanya." Said Tanya gently. She reminded me of how my mum would meet my friends.

We both dumped out bags in the boot then hopped in.

"Usually I would offer to take you girls somewhere but Mila you have tutoring so we need to get to that and I don't want to have to rush."



"You weren't meant to say I do tutoring!" She blushed.

"Don't worry, I used to do it too." I smiled and reassured her.

"See Mila. Nothing to be embarrassed about." Her mum winked at me through the mirror.

It didn't take us long for her to pull out the front of our house.

"Thankyou so much for driving me." I said as I got out.

"Anytime honey." Tanya replied with a warm smile.

"See you tomorrow Mila." I said before heading to the front door. I waved as they drove off then unlocked the door and let myself in. it was only when I got in did I realise a slight problem. I'm alone.

After safely locking the door from behind me, I scrambled to get my phone out of my pocket, only then the zip decided to stop working so that took extra time. Stay calm Livi. Once the zip finally decided it would work, I tried to unlock my phone.

"What the hell!?" I exclaimed out loud whilst furiously hitting buttons on my phone. It was frozen and nothing I did worked. I couldn't see any messages and I could even turn it off.

That was when the real panic started to kick in.

I tried and tried and tried to reassure myself that nothing bad was going to happen and that I was completely fine. I'm just home alone. And that's where the problem is.

After 15 minutes had passed I had already collapsed onto the floor in a crying heap whilst hyperventilating.

"See ya Lucas!" I heard a voice then the door unlock but I couldn't pick myself up to go see him. "Livi?" Lachie called. "I'm back, where are you? Livi?" He asked before coming around into the kitchen. "What the hell? Livi?" He asked rushing over to me. "What happened?"

"N-n-no one w-was h-home." I hiccupped whilst trying to calm my breathing.

"Hunter texted you, I thought you knew!" He exclaimed whilst standing up to get tissues for me.

"M-my phone i-is bro-ken." I pointed to where it was laying in front of me. He grabbed it and tried to work it.

"What the?" He said. Uncontrollably, I started breathing fast again and Lachie quickly came back to me.

"Livi! Calm down okay. I'm here now and Hunter will be here soon." Lachie assured me. "Come here." He said whilst picking me up. I wrapped my leg around his waist and my arms around his neck whilst he carried me over to the couch. "God, how the heck are you so light? And why are you so small."

"I don't know." I giggled as my breathing began to regulate again. He sat me down on the couch and I instantly began to fully relax. Once I was comfy, Lachie stood up to leave.

"No. Stay with me." I pleaded, giving him the puppy dog eyes. He sighed but sat down with me anyway. Inside my blanket burrito I wriggled towards him and shuffled into his lap.

"Really?" He asked. I smiled and nodded before laying my head on his shoulder. It wasn't long before I felt my eyelids closing and I slowly began to fall asleep. Panic attacks take a lot out of you. 

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