69) Football Team

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We spent the last few days hanging out with Willow and Jayden but quickly enough, the time came around to go home. We said goodbye and did all the plane stuff, where as usual, I slept, and finally we were home.

The weather back in Melbourne was freezing. We were in the thick of winter, but there of course wasn't any snow. Sometimes I wished there was snow in Melbourne, and that we didn't have to go up to the mountains which were 4 hours away to ski, but I guess it's not too bad. All Theo, Lexi, Hugh and Noah were skiing somewhere, either in Australia or not. And Jono had gone to America with his family. I felt like I never saw him much anymore. Him and I always had so many different activities on, plus I had to get around my brothers and Noah too. I still don't understand why they hate each other so much, but I guess that's something they have going on between them.

The cold weather and relaxing holidays meant most of the time, my brothers were out catching up with friends. Lachie was barely home anyway, since he was more interested in his geeky friends, so that was no different. Jaxon and Olli were really close in age, so they could share friends and hang out with the other guys on the firsts football team. Hunter, of course, was working again since he couldn't take much time off. One of the boys were always home though, since they didn't want a repeat of my latest panic attack.

The boys being quiet and gone, however, gave me the opportunity to hang out upstairs in the library and do lots of reading. I had 3 books left of my inky competition and I managed to finish 2 of them in a week. That was fast, even for me.

Today I decided to be lazy once again. I hadn't really been outside the past few days and had only worn pyjamas or trackies and one of the boy's tops. I checked the time on my phone and it said 10am, so I decided to go downstairs and get coco pops, like usual.

I walked downstairs only to see what I recognised as the whole firsts football team sitting in my lounge room. I let out a decent scream before turning around and bolting back upstairs. I quickly stopped once I was around the corner and out of sight, slowing to catch my breath. Once I could breathe I shuffled closer to hear their laughs floating up from downstairs.

"She's cute." I heard one of them say.

"Back off dude. That's my little sister you're talking about." Olli said, glaring at the guy. Aww, that was kind of sweet of him.

"Um, tiny? What are you doing?" Asked someone from behind me, making me nearly jump out of my skin.

"Oh my god, Dylan." I clutched my chest, "don't do that!"

"Sorry." He chuckled, "but seriously what are you doing?" He looked at me like I'd grown 2 heads.

"There's so many guys down there!" I exclaimed, peeking around the corner.

"Yeah. They're called 17 and 18 year olds." He scoffed.

"Yes! But they just saw me in this!" I motioned up and down at my trackies paired with Jaxon's old football hoodie. "And, nobody even told me they were coming!"

"Okay. But you look fine in the hoodie, I mean its nice to see you're enjoying the hand-me-downs." He smirked.

"They're not hand-me-downs." I snapped. "I stole it."

"Did you now?" He raised his eyebrows. "Well, if you don't mind, I have a catch-up to return to."

"No! You have to help me, I'm hungry!!" I whined grabbing his arm and trying to restrain him from leaving. He smirked and walked further, dragging me along with him. I continued my protesting half way down the stairs before he turned back to me and picked me up.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You'll see."

He carried me all the way downstairs and past the boys, all the way into the kitchen where he sat me on the bench then grabbed the coco pops and a bowl. I poured myself some and then passed it back to Dylan. Maybe he wasn't always so bad.

"You good now?" He asked, sneaking a glance to the side to see half the team staring at us.

"Yup." I nodded and hopped down off the counter. I walked towards the living room, planning on going into the library room, but did a quick detour first.

"It's rude to stare you know." I smirked, flicking my hair over my shoulder and making a dramatic exit.

I headed towards Hunter's office, but Jaxon called out to me before I could even turn the door handle.

"Baby." He warned.

"Jaxon." I mimicked.

"You can't go in there." He warned again, coming closer to me.

"Why not?" I inwardly smiled, knowing exactly why.

"You know why," he growled. "Just go eat up in your room."

"I just need to get something." I lied, noticing the small crowd watching.

"Liar. Baby, listen to me, and go upstairs."

"Nah, I'm good." I shrugged, pushing the door open.

"Jax!" Someone called from the living room. "You gotta come see this! Olli's getting smashed over here!"

I could tell Jaxon was torn between getting me in trouble which would be the right thing to do and going to see Olli get killed on Fortnite. Thankfully, I was in luck.

"Coming!" Jaxon called back to them. "You better not make a mess with those coco pops or tell Hunter about this." He hissed at me before leaving.

See, we weren't really supposed to go into the study unless Hunter was there, or he let us, and we were most certainly not allowed food in there either. Oh well, I guess I'm just being a rebel and breaking the rules today.

Hunter's office chair is so comfy, and it turns! It's on of the really fancy swivel chairs that goes up really high and leans and bounces as well. Plus it was white and like I said before, so comfy!! Also, he has a massive Mac Desktop which is great for watching Netflix on, especially when I had no chance of getting near the TV in the lounge room. Jaxon must have moved the Xbox to the living room TV so there was more space, since it didn't make sense why they weren't in the gaming room.

I spent nearly the entire day in Hunter's office watching Netflix, leaving right in time before he got home. Jaxon visibly relaxed when I appeared behind him as I went to say Hi to Hunter.



Hey Guys, I was wondering if anyone would like me to sketch up a floor plan of their house? I keep trying to remember whether the gaming room, office or library room is upstairs and downstairs, and I figured it might be easier to put in a basic floor plan. I already have one done in my head, it's just up to you whether you'd like it or not. Hope you like my story!


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