95) On a Plane?

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The next few days passed on without any more drama. Hunter refused to talk about it and Jaxon would change the subject instantly if it ever came up. I didn't tell anyone except for Noah because it seemed right, and he had asked why it took me so long to respond and I didn't want to lie. I was just comfortable with him, surprisingly even more than Milla, Lexi, Hugh and Theo, and they were my best friends.

"We forgot to draw names for Secret Santa." I said to everyone whilst we were eating dinner. It was Thai; my favourite.

"Oh yeah." Said Hunter, standing up to grab his phone from the kitchen counter. He had this special that texted us the person we had to buy a gift for. It also notified us when that person added to their wish list and could track our spending if we decided to buy more than one thing, which often happened since the price requirement was approximately $40. "I'll send it out now, but no one touch their phones until after dinner. Okay?" Hunt eyed each one of us before putting his phone in his pocket and sitting back down to eat. "And whilst we're all happy and focussed, I have some news." He started.

"Is its good news?" I asked, watching his face to see if it gave it away.

"I think it is. I hope you do." I figured it would be about his work, like a promotion or some big thing coming up, but I was not expecting the next words that came out of his mouth. "We are going overseas."

"As in, on a plane?" I gasped. A stupid question, but verbal reflex.

"No, in a car." Jaxon rolled his eyes at me.

"Yes, in a plane Livi."

"Where are we going?" Asked Lachie, clearly excited too.

"Guess." Hunter said.

"No! Just tell us!" I huffed, desperate to know.

"Calm down." Jaxon growled, pushing me back into my seat.

"We're going to Bali!" Hunt exclaimed. I jumped up squealing.

"Are you serious?" I double checked, unable to remove the smile from my face.

"Yes, baby." He laughed. "And there's another part to it."

"What?" I gasped, overexcitedly.

"We're going to do half of the trip with Willow, Jayden and Uncle Darren."


"Could you pick a different word please Livi." Olli sighed.

"I'm just excited!" I jumped, hugging Hunter.

"I can tell." Olli responded, unable to stop a small laugh from escaping his mouth. I led out a loud gasp of realisation.

"What?" Asked Jaxon.

"We can go to Waterbom park!" I pranced around the table.

"What's that?" All of them chorused. Creepy.

"It's a waterpark in Bali! How do you not know this?" I exclaimed, rushing to grab my phone.

"Finish your dinner and then you can show us!" Hunter called behind me. I ignored him and went to grab my phone anyway, but when I turned around a few seconds later to go back to the table, I slammed straight into his chest. "Leave it there." He glared. We had an intense staring competition for a few minutes before he said, "You can show us after¸ okay?"

I glared but sat it down anyway and went back to finish my dinner as quick as I could.

Later, when they were sitting on the couch whilst I continued to try and teach Bailey how to roll over, Olli reminded me about it.

"Weren't you going to show us that waterpark?"

"Yes!" I gasped, making Bailey jump back in fright. I laughed and reached over for my phone. I googled it and passed the phone to the closest person, which happened to be Lachie. He had a scroll through google images before handing it on to the next person. They all had a look until Jaxon got the phone.

"Who's snapchat name is the blue heart?" He asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Oh...Hugh." I thought quickly.

"Why do you have a heart for Hugh?"

"Because...blue is his favourite colour and all my friends have different hearts." I quickly stood up and grabbed the phone back off him, before sitting back down where I was. I knew I wasn't getting off that easily, it's Jaxon, but I was going to avoid that conversation for as long as I could. He didn't need to know anything.

"What do we want to watch?" Olli asked.

"It's my turn to choose!" I jumped up again and snatched the remote off of him.

"Don't snatch! You're not three." He huffed.

"No princesses or romance." Lachie added.

"But that's what all the good movies are about." I frowned, but then had another idea. "All of you shut your eyes."

"No, baby, just put on the movie."

"If I put it on, you all have to promise not to say a word or fight me. And you all have to stay here and watch the whole thing."

"Fine, just put it on." Jaxon grumbled, getting impatient.

I quickly searched it and hit play, thankfully hearing no groans from behind me. I then grabbed my Oodie and looked for a spot on the couch, meanwhile the movie began with the intro song. All the boys were stretched out on the couch, so there wasn't a spot for me, until Jaxon motioned me over to him.

I sat down in his lap and laid my head on his chest.

"Baby, why did you pick a barbie movie." He whispered in a low voice.

"Because Barbie is the best."

"No it's not."

"And this one is the very best."

"Which one is it?" He huffed.

"Princess charm school."

"You've watched this like fifty million times. And made all of us watch is fifty million times. Do we have to watch it again?"

"I mean I could put on a mermaid tale, but you've seen that one more."

"No." He groaned, sighing. "You're lucky you're a little bit cute, otherwise you would not get away with this."

"You love me." I smiled.

"I know. Very unfortunate."

"Hey!" I grumbled.

"Shh. If you're putting this on at least watch it." Olli told me off. 

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