61) Cupcakes

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I was sitting at on the couch doing some homework on my laptop when an announcement came through. I ordered what it could be since most of the time, announcements only came through when we were at school, so I quickly clicked onto it.

Oakwood Elementary Middle School Bake Sale

It's the bake sale! I remember Mum always making food with the boys for this each year. They always got so excited because no one was allowed to interrupt them whilst they were cooking with her, so they always had her full attention. I read through all the different options to see what I had been assigned. They did them randomly by student and everyone in town knew we made the best food.

"Boo!" Yelled a big voice as they slapped their hands down on my shoulders.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed, jumping in my seat. I shot my head around to see Jaxon doubling over laughing and all I could do was glare. "I do not like you." I huffed, turning back to my computer.

"You looovveee me. I'm your favourite brother, remember?" He said once he regained his composure.

"Funnily enough, I don't." I said, faking thinking about it. He rolled his eyes and sat down next to me.

"Watcha looking at?" He asked, peering at my computer screen.

"The bake sale information just came out." I replied nonchalantly.

"Ooh, what'd you get?"

"Cupcakes!" I squealed as the list loaded up.

"Too hard." He said. "Couldn't you have gotten something else?"

"I don't get to pick idiot." I sassed at him.

"Livi!" Hunter called. Stupid adults seem to have bionic hearing. He walked into the living room and found me and Jaxon sitting on the couch. "What are you looking at? You should have already done all your homework." He said seriously.

"I have done all my homework. The bake sale information just came out."

"Really? What'd you get."

"She got cupcakes." Jaxon butted in before I could even form any words.

"Jaxon!" I yelled at him, punching his arm. "I wanted to tell him that!"

"Too bad." He rolled his eyes, getting up to leave.

"Relax baby. He's just trying to get on your nerves." Hunter assured me. "So when do you want to make them?"

"Not sure." I shrugged. Before I could say any more, my phone started ringing.

"Who is it?" Asked Hunter.

"I'll answer it, then I can tell you." I snapped, picking up the phone and answering it. "Hello?"

"Livi! Honey, how are you?"

"Beck! I'm okay, how are you?"

"Fine! I just found out the legendary Oakwood Elementary bake Sale is on." She giggled.

"It is."

"Well, I had an idea." She said.


"Well, I used to always make them with Eli and Harvey when they were in middle school and I miss it. So I was wondering if I would be able to help you make your assigned treat?"

"Yes, yes, yes! I would love to! I don't want to do it with Hunter." I replied, stretching his name out like poison.

"Oh honey. Things not great?" She said, empathy in her voice.

"They're all so...annoying. And they're always there."

"Don't worry. They are just caring for you." She assured me, and I sighed. "So! When are we going to do these? The bake sale's on Monday so would Sunday work?"

"I'll check with Hunter and text you if that works." I replied.

"Great! Hopefully I'll see you then."


"Bye Honey." She replied and then we hung up.


"Can Beck come over on Sunday and make the cupcakes with me please?" I asked blandly, even though I was excited for this.

"I'm not sure." He said, and my face went blank.

"Why?" I asked, angrily.

"Just kidding, of course." He smiled but I didn't return the gesture. I turned to leave but he quickly stood up and caught my wrist. "What's up with you? Your attitude is messed up." He looked at me sternly.

"Nothing." I said, trying to pull away.

"I don't believe you." He said, searching my face for any signs of my problems.

"I'm fine Hunter. Just let me go."

"Okay. But if it's about Jaxon, try not to let him get to you. And if he's really bad just let me know and I'll sort it out." I had to give him credit, so I nodded, and he finally let go. I grabbed my phone and laptop and headed upstairs.

I had a quick shower, washed my hair and put it in a long plait with my favourite scrunchie at the end and hopped into my new pyjamas. I had been begging Hunter to take me shopping so I could get new winter ones because my summer pyjamas were too cold, and he finally took me last weekend.

I was lying in bed, halfway asleep when my door creeped open.

"You're in bed. Already?" said a voice I knew belonged to Jaxon.

"Go away." I mumbled, tucking further down.

"Why are you in bed so early?" He asked coming over and sitting on the bed next to me.

"I'm tired." I snapped. "Go bug someone else."

"But you're more fun." He said, laying on top of me and squishing me.

"Get off Jaxon! You're too fat!" I yelled, fully awake now.

"I am not fat baby. This is pure muscle." He hopped off me and flexed whilst smirking.

"You're so full of yourself." I scoffed, laying back down and snuggling in. "Now go away."

"You're no fun." He whined, pulling the duvet up and shuffling inside.

"Why are you getting into my bed?" I asked, eyeing him.

"You hop into my bed all the time. Now, we're switching."

"Just get out Jaxon or tell me why you're actually here." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine," he sighed. "Olli is snoring like a truck." Ah, gotcha. Olli's room is next to Jaxon's and the walls are pretty thin.

"So, you need to stay here? You resorted to sleeping in your little sisters' bed."

"Yes! Happy now?" He huffed.

"Thankyou. Yes." I nodded and shuffled backwards so I was in his arms. He tucked his arms around me and I quickly dozed off to sleep. Maybe my brothers weren't so bad.

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