75) Oreo Krispy Kreme

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We only have a few weeks left of term and information just came out about this ski/snowboard camp that runs on the first week of the holidays. It's five days and includes everything we need, plus it isn't too expensive, and I thought it sounded really good, so I texted Olli and Lachie.

Jaxon – guys check this out.

Olli – this is amazing.

Lachie – I want to go. Sounds great.

Jaxon – we should ask hunter. 

Olli – uh oh.

Jaxon – what?

Olli – check the dates.

Jaxon – yeah, what about them?

Olli – Jaxon! C'mon dude, think.

Jaxon – oh crap.

Olli – yeah. Crap.

Lachie – huh?

Jaxon – baby bday.

Lachie – oh. I'm sure she won't mind.

Olli – dude have u met her?

Lachie – couldn't she come?

Jaxon – as if she'd want to. I know she loves skiing, but she's never liked lessons. Hunter and dad taught her anyway and it isn't offered to year 7's.

Olli – dammit. I wanted to go.

Jaxon – we could still go. She'd get over it.

Lachie – Hunter still has to agree remember.

Jaxon – I just sent him the link. We'll see if he notices.

Olli – he will. Gtg to class.

I quickly sent the link to Hunter and went to my last class for the day.

The class was boring, but it went by fast enough, so I check my phone and saw Hunter's reply.

Hunter – We can chat later. I have a meeting this afternoon with some clients. I know you boys have stuff on so get Livi to stay in the stands of your footy training. Make sure you're watching her and don't let her convince you to leave or convince Lachie out of his maths thing.

Well that was disappointing. And Livi isn't going to be happy about staying at footy training for 2 hours.

Since my last class was period 5 and all 3 of my younger siblings still had one more class, I decided to walk to the 7-11 close to school.

I got a Slurpee for myself and an Oreo Krispy Kreme for Livi. I needed to get on her good side for this. Not just so that I didn't have to deal with a hungry and angry (hangry) 12-year-old later but also so that I had even the smallest chance of going on this snow camp.

By the time I had paid for everything and walked back to school, there was only 10 minutes left of classes, so I quickly went and moved all my gear to the sports lockers and then went to Livi's locker. I hadn't been there in ages since it was on the other side of the school.

"Jaxon?" She made a face when she saw me.

"Pretty sure that's my name." I smirked.

"Why are you here?"

"I go here, duh."

"No. I mean at my locker." She rolled her eyes.

"Because I had a free period and I went to 7-11 and this is for you." I said, holding out the bag with the donut in it.

"Really!?" She exclaimed, taking it and looking inside.

"Yes. Now hurry up."

"Hang on. What's the catch?" She raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I played dumb.

"What's the catch?"

"No catch." I lied. She looked at me seriously but didn't say any more, although I waited until we were away from majority of people to tell her. "Actually there is a slight catch."

"Jaxon!" She huffed, glaring at me.

"Hunter's stuck in a meeting so you have to stay with me at footy."

"No." She said, her face paling and her body freezing.

"C'mon Livi. I don't have time and I bought you a donut!"

"No." She repeated herself.

"Well you can't go home."

"Yes I can." She hurried.

"No, you can't. 1, you can't get there, and 2, we both know that you can't stay at home on your own. Remember what happened last time?"

"That was ages ago." She snapped. "I can catch the bus."

"There isn't a bus to our house baby."

"then I can walk." It's too far to walk and it's not safe. You have to stay."

"No. I'm walking home."

"Livi, no." I said seriously, this was strange. "You are coming with me and it's final."

She didn't respond to this, keeping a 'blank' face on, although she generally wasn't good at them, but today I had no idea what was going through her head. She angrily followed me to the footy field where we met Olli. Lachie had already gone to whatever he had on, so it was now just the 3 of us.

"She good?" Asked Olli quietly.

"I don't know." I sighed, throwing out the rest of my Slurpee. He gave me a look before going into the locker room to get changed, so I turned to Livi, who had already started walking away.

I grabbed her arm and spun her back around.

"Go sit in the stands and wait until we're finished. Leave and you'll regret it." I threatened, although I didn't really know what she'd regret, but I did know it would work.

"Fine." She said blankly, still unusually pale.

"Do you want my phone whilst you wait? I've got data."

"No." She said, pulling out of my grip and making her way up the stairs.

"Hurry up Jaxon!" My coach called.

"Coming!" I yelled back. Livi was acting super strange today.

I hurriedly got changed and ran out onto the field in time with all the other boys. We did our warm up and practiced a few drills before decided we were going to do a practice game. I ran to the other side of the field and looked back up towards where Livi had taken a seat at the edge of the stands. That's when I noticed someone walking towards her from behind.

"Coach! I need to do something really quickly. I'll be back in a few minutes." I yelled, running of the field and up the stairs of the grand stand, but I was too late.



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