87) Snowflake Bracelet

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In all the drama with my wrist and the excitement of Bailey, I completely forgot about opening the gifts my friends had given me, which is why I was confused after my text from Noah that morning.

Noah – Hey, how's your arm? What'd you think of the present? xx

Of course I rushed downstairs and out to the car, in my pyjamas, to grab the gifts, before racing back inside to open them.

"Woah, what's the rush?" Asked Olli after I nearly crashed into him.

"Presents!" I replied, dropping them down on the table. I hadn't even realised that I'd left the front door wide open and dropped three of the presents on the way to the table.

"Livi!" Olli yelled, rushing to the door before Bailey could get there. "Be careful!" He glared.

"Sorry." I winced. He rolled his eyes and picked up the presents for me.

I looked through and tried to remember which one he had handed to me, but it wouldn't come to me. Instead I just grabbed the first card I saw and opened it. It was Hugh's, so I took my time and carefully opened it. He had bought me the latest James Charles Morphe palette. Wasn't surprising considering his obsession with him, but it was still a really cool gift. They were so hard to come across and were nearly always sold out.

Next, I tried another card and this time it was from Mila. She had bought me all these skin care products from The Body Shop, including these really nice Tea Tree Face Mask which I had sampled with her. I was happy she remembered.

I thought that third try must be the charm, but once again, it wasn't from Noah. This time it was from Lexi. We had made a deal a few years ago that we would always spend approximately $100 on each other's presents. She hadn't had her birthday yet since I was slightly older, but I was so excited when I opened mine.

It was a blue unicorn Oodie which I had been looking at for ages. They were really expensive, and Hunter thought they look ridiculous, hence why he wouldn't buy me one, but of course Lexi loved them as well.

"Olli look!" I squealed, running over and standing in front of the TV so that he had no choice but to look.

"What are you wearing?" He made a face.

"It's an Oodie." I replied, as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "How amazing does it look?"

"It looks...great." He chuckled. "Now move."

I went upstairs to Hunter, who was still asleep, and jumped on top of him, causing him to groan.

"What." He mumbled, keeping his eyes shut.

"Look!" I exclaimed, shaking him. He peeked open one eye and looked.

"Amazing. I'm sleeping. Goodbye." I huffed and got off him. I would have shown Jaxon and Lachie, but I was too excited to open Noah's present, so I went back down the stairs and chose another present. It was a small square that was very light. I opened the card, and sure enough, it was from Noah. The card was simple, just saying Happy Birthday, so I was able to quickly read that and move on to the present.

I took my time opening the pretty wrapping paper. It was white with sliver glitter snowflakes. He obviously hadn't wrapped it himself, since he was not patient enough to make it this neat.

I took one look at the box and saw the Portobello label on it and smiled. I slowly opened it to see the most gorgeous bracelet I had ever seen. It was small and silver, with a tiny snowflake charm. I took the time to fawn over it before asking Olli to put it on.

"It's pretty." He said.

"I know." I smiled before going back to my phone.

Livi – Thank you so much Noah I absolutely love it!

He replied almost instantly.

Noah – I'm glad! What did you get from you brothers?

Livi –

Noah – Oh. My. God. You didn't.

Livi – Meet my new best friend Bailey.

Noah – Aww. He's not your best friend though. That position is already taken.

Livi – True. Wouldn't want to hurt Hugh's feelings.

Noah – Rude!

Livi – Just kidding. Love you <3

Noah – hehe you too ;)

I smiled at my phone before returning to opening the other presents. Theo got me some makeup brushes which she must have coordinated with Hugh.

I played with Bailey and ate food for almost the entire rest of the day. I didn't change out of my Oodie since it was still comfortable over my sling and I couldn't really be bothered.

Bailey was so cute, and the guy also came to install the doggy door. Hunter told me I wasn't allowed to climb through it, even after my arm got better. He also went to the supermarket and bought all these stupid high fat and protein foods and supplements which I apparently have to start eating. He also bought full cream milk which is just for me, since all of us usually just have the light milk. He was being really annoying about it, not going to lie.

Jaxon went outside whilst I tried to get Bailey to go through to him, but he just seemed to not understand. Of course, every time he got even close, we got really excited, but he didn't end up going through.

Finally, after 50 million tries, he went through to Jaxon, causing a wave of cheers and laughter from Jaxon, Olli, Lachie and I. Now we had to get him to come back inside, which we decided to leave for another day. He was still only little.

I took lots of photos, and even though I wasn't allowed to let him through the pool gate, since Hunter thought it was unsanitary for a dog to swim in the same pool as us, I was still able to take some really cute photos. I put them all in an album on my phone and decided I was going to ask Hunter to take me to office works so that I could print them and do a photo wall.

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