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"Daddy! Daddy!" She screamed, running into our room.

"What is it baby?" Noah asked, scooping her up into his arms.

"Cory and Levi and Logan are being mean!" She exclaimed, pouting and crossing her arms.

"Boys!" Noah yelled.

"Brookie, hun, what are they doing?" I asked, slightly trying not to laugh at how much Noah spoiled her. The second she tried to get the boys in trouble he'd side with her.

"Logan was trying to push me in the pool!" Brooke said, burying her face in Noah's neck.

"Boys!" Noah yelled again.

"Noah, babe, relax. Nothing happened, okay?" I tried to stop him. "They're doing what brothers do, seriously."

He looked at me before smiling slightly.

"What?" I asked, not expecting that kind of reaction.

"You're such a good mother." He complimented.

"Well, I would hardly say..." He shut me up by gently kissing my lips. It was peaceful until we were interrupted by little laughter. "Excuse me boys?" I raised a playful eyebrow at them.

"Mummy and daddy sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g." Cory said.

"Cory it's not that big of a deal." Logan said, always being the cool one.

"Really? Have you been going around kissing any girls lately?" Noah asked. They all loved him.

"Maybe." He smirked.

"And that is the correct answer." Noah high-fived him, laughing.

"Me too!" Said Brooke, having to say something and trying to be like her brothers.

"No!" Levi said. "You're still a baby, and babies can't kiss boys."

"Hey! I'm not a baby! I'm starting school tomorrow!"

"Exactly. Big girls go to school and aren't sleepy which is why you should go have a shower and go to bed now. It's getting late." I smiled, taking her from Noah and leaving to go to get her ready.

"I'll leave you guys to it. C'mon boys." Noah took them outside, and I helped Brooke.

"Come outside please boys! Brooke, come with me." I smiled, going out to our backyard. Although Brooke said she was starting school today, she only had a preparation day, as did the boys, and then classes actually began tomorrow, which is why they got to wear free dress. "Okay, smile! Brooke, look at the camera!" I laughed, taking a few pictures, even though she seemed to be much more interested in her shoes.

"I can't believe our baby is starting school." I said to Noah. "And Logan is starting grade 6."

"I know." Noah said reminiscing and kissing me. "Are you really going to send them to school matching?" He made a face.

"Why not?" I fake pouted.

"Livi, they're not quadruplets and they aren't 2. Logan is 11."

"Relax Noah, they boys are going to change now. It's going to get really warm today anyway." I explained. "Plus, I'm not that cruel." I winked. "Brooke, let's go put your dress on and then we can go." I smiled. I still had another week of holidays before I had to go back to work at the hospital, and Noah had taken today and tomorrow off so that he could come with Brooke to school.

"I'll help the boys." Noah said, and we both headed off.

Brooke chose her favourite yellow dress that she bought with Noah and put it on, also changing to her mini adidas superstars before we met the boy's downstairs and piled into the car. Since there were 4 of us, Noah had decided a van was easier, so we had a family van which meant the kids had more space.

"Brooke, if you desperately need anything, go find Levi, Logan or Cory, okay? Boys, you help Brooke if she needs anything at all." Noah said seriously. We'd both grown up so much.

"Yeahhhhh." She laughed, rolling her eyes. She was such a sassy kid, much alike myself.

We pulled up at school and got out of the car. Logan's friends were nearby, and I imagined that he would run off with them, but he got out of the car and helped Brooke out.

"My classroom is over there and yours is over here. If you need anything, mine is the one with the big 6 on it, okay?" Logan spoke to her, crouching down to her level.

"Yep!" She grinned, giving him a thumbs up. He high fived her before running off to meet his best friends. Cory and Levi followed, leaving Noah and I to take her in.

"Logan is learning from you." I said to Noah.

"Pretty good feeling." He nodded, grabbing Brooke's hand. We walked together as proud parents, sending our last baby off on her first day of school. 

I had a few tears at the drop off, but Brooke was confident and excited, ready to start alongside her best friends Ryder and Hayley. Noah and I went home afterwards and decided to go for a walk.

"I can't believe she's at school." I sighed.

"Pretty amazing."

"I miss my baby."

"You do not." He scoffed.

"I do so!" I gasped with mock horror.

"Sure, sure. Well, I have mine, so I'm all good." He smirked, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Hmm." I raised an eyebrow. He only laughed and kissed my cheek. "Forever." I smiled at him.


Finishing this book hurt my heart. 2 years ago, in 2018, I spent my entire summer binging stories on this platform, which I'd never heard of nor used. I've always loved reading but had never written. When I started hitting so many dead ends on stories, that hadn't been updated in years, I felt that I was a strong enough writer to create a story myself. I've been on wattpad for nearly two years now and this is my second ever story to complete. I feel upset but fulfilled at the same time.

If you're looking for more and haven't already, check out my other stories;

Floating in the Abyss (which is number 1,  followed by Rising to the Surface)

A New Family

Short Stories: A collection

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Who knows, maybe Brooke will get her own story.

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