Chapter 4

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"midoriya. Where are you going?" aizawa asked deku turned around

"um... Listen something came up with family I have to go" deku said

"oh alright please let me know next tine" aizawa said as the class started to walk past midoriya but todoroki looked at him like he knew something was up.

"stay safe midoriya" todoroki said as the class walked away and aizawa followed after giving a nod to midoriya and told him not to egg in any trouble

        Time skip because I'm lazy. 

   -best "cinnamon role" dekus pov-

My father had called this morning and wanted to meet me, you know something like that would be easy but
... My father is an ass.

I really hate him my father is a bad person he's fucking abusive and a villian so I guess it's really shit that I want to be a hero when my own father is a villian BUT ANYWAYS! I have to meet him. Yay...

As I walk down to... The lov hideout I feel strange like what if I say something what will the villains say if they see me? What am I going to do or say im quite nervous to see my father again, yes it has only been a few months but I'm still scared I hate my father I really do everything he did to me it makes me sick the stuff he's done to other too I hate it, I hate him.

I just have to keep calm if the villains see me just say your there for your father not a big thing to do yeah... Yeah you can do this izuku.... Fuck no you can't. You really are a deku  how lame... You can do this. You can do this deku!

Your already outside of the base. Enter it... Inhale... Exhale walk in.

Third person pov

Izuku was standing outside of the l.o.v's base breaking heavily trying to calm himself he said fuck it and walked in...

"WHO TF AR-.... A UA STUDENT WTF?!" twice yelled catching everyone's attention on izuku standing now next to the bar

Toga with her knifes came running threw the hall into the room "WHO'S HERE" she yelled very loud and surprisingly in a low voice compared to her normal high pitch voice

"WHAT?!" dabi and tomura ran in (is his name right.... I hope so)

"apologises for theys idoits, but are you lost?" koroguri said

"no im not lost. Im here for someone hello tomura nice to see you again after you trying to kill me in the mall." deku said as at looked at all the memebers of the l. O. V.

"DEKUKUN?!" toga shouted now very high pitched

"you...." tomura just looked shocked

"who are you looking for?" koroguri asked

"all for one" deku said as he let out a sigh

Just then the TV in the lov hideout that isnt very hidden turned on showing all for fuck himself

"midoryia.... Izuku" he said is a very low voice chucking

Dekus pov

OH fuck oh fuck oh fuck.
"hello....all for one " i said letting out a huge sigh everyone in the base was now stareing at me

"your mother sent you didn't she. Time to have a little talk shall we?"he said now full on laughing and the screan turning off
" we shall.... " i said after that i walked past the bar and waited at a door waiting for all for one when i heard someone

"... Why are you here... " i turned around to see dabi had said that... Or should i say touya said that...

" thats none of your business " i said looking at them

"but your a hero in training AT A VILLIAN BASE ABOUT TO TALK TO ALL FOR ONE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU." he screamed in my face

"i know im a hero in training, i know in about to talk to all for one in a VILLIAN base and for your information theres alot of things wrong with me." i said as i turned to see all for one standing there in some what formal clothing and a normal human face.

" master whats going on?! " toumra shouted

" just some business toumra nothing to worry about, now izuku shall we go? "he said sounding different

" i guess lets go " i said as i walked out the base but stopped at dabi and whispered

" your little brother does miss you by the way touya.... " i wisperd and started to walk away leaving him in shock.." how... How did you k-"
"i know alot." i said as i left leaving tomura to try comfort his boy friend dabi...

Me and all for one left... But I have to call him father in public... Ew.

"father the cafe is down the road if we see anyone i know please dont say anything understood they dont know about you. I dont talk about my family" i said as i kept walked beside him

"understood i wont say anything, but if we do see people you know let me know" he said as he fixed his hair

"i will." i kept walking and went into the cafe and sat at a booth near the back

*tweet has been uploaded by kirishima*

"hm?...." i hummed to myself and opened my phone to read the tweet

" i hummed to myself and opened my phone to read the tweet

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(yeah theys are mine ill be adding them in the story xx)

I like the tweet and put my phone away and waited for my father to finish ordering two black coffees and two sandwichs.

" hey heres your stuff" he said as he sat down across from me

" so did you think about the offer." he asked in a firm tone

"deku, you okay?" Where stories live. Discover now