Chapter 5

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" hey heres your stuff" he said as he sat down across from me

" so did you think about the offer." he asked in a firm tone

"y-yes I thought about it, but in not sure about my answer" i answerd as honestly as i could

"well how about i give you two days." he said

"... Isnt.... Isnt that when you attack u.a....."i asked as i took a sip of my coffee

" yes so make your choice soon " he got up and left me sitting there.

Do i want this to happen.... Should i think about what he has told me, i dont really have anything anymore do i that bastard killed my little sister when we were younger (yes i Know he dont have a sister but its important to the story line okay)
He wouldnt kill mum... Right.... I dont know anymore. Mums not really mum anymore shes always out coming home late drinking and never really around anymore  our house is a wreck from arguments and the smell of alcohol is strong there.... I... Im glad i stay at the dorms but its weird not hearing a glass bottle hit the wall next to me or hear guys laughing

Should i just take his offer....

... Maybe.... no! I shouldn't i cant im a hero... Yeah a hero

~small time jump because its 1 am i have school and im crying~

3rd point of veiw

As deku walked back to the dorms he heard laughing and joking he hesitated to grab the handle to the living room he opened the door and walked in, it went silent he hung his head down a little so you couldnt see his teary eyes

"hey dude... You okay?" kirishima asked as he walked over to deku

"mhm just tired" deku responded not looking up eveyones attention was on kiri and deku

Kiri reached out and put his hand on dekus shoulder before deku flinched and grabbed kiris had taking it off him kiri was shocked so was everyone

"oI! nerd WHATS FUCKINF WRONG WITH YOU!" bitch boy yelled

"dude are you okay?" tapeman  asked

"guys.... Give deku-kun his space" urrararararraka said

"i agree kero" kermit  said as she put her hand of urararararrakas shoulder

"just let him go guys" Prince zuko said

"as much as i hate to agree, let mido go" sonic said  (yes i will have nicknames for most of them)

Deku walked away before waving and going to his dorm..

" going on that (420) we dont know." most of 1-a liiked at the members of the dekusquad

im sorry for taking long ya gals mental health is fucking her over atm so updates will be fucked

Thanks for reading tho i love seeinf that people vote and comment it makes my day a little better so thanks!!

Have a nice night or day i hope you all are well and if you are not please take care of yourself if not for you then someone else trust me it will be good oneday

Goodnight from me yall xx

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