Chapter 8

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He got out the bath slowly and looked in the mirror and cleaned the cut on his lip and splashed his face with cold water he got changed and went into the spare room and laid down putting his phone into charge 

time skippppp also writing on a computer at 5 am on January happy new year 

Deku awakened from his sleep looking at the time

"9:32" he mumbled he was late but he couldn't care he had thousands of missed calls and texted from all of 1-a

"shit the villains today" he quickly got up and got into black jeans and a hoodie he just said  "fuck being in a uniform today" he was in pain after last night

He grabbed his phone and his bag looking at the pack of cigarettes and taking one out lighting it and smoking trying to calm himself down a little he grabbed his bag and went downstairs to see Ash and Eric

"one of you wanna ride me to ua" he said as he put the cigarette out and grabbed a glass of water

"sure dude get your helmet" Ash said and got up getting his keys and helmet

"see ya later zuku be safe" Eric said as he drank his coffee

"later dude" Deku said as he grabbed his black motorbike helmet and walked out swinging the black bag over his shoulders and saw Ash outside on the bike and ready to go

*small-time skip also at ua!*

"it's 9:40 and midoryia still isn't here, where did he go last night?" aziwa said as he looked at 1-a

"he went to ash's last night but we didn't get a text or call when he arrived, he normally lets us know he won't answer any calls or texts sir" iida said as him, tsu, todo and ura were standing up while all of class 1-a  where looking at them

"okay who's Ash and why did he leave the dorms?"

Todo spoke up now "we can't say who Ash is. And we don't know why he left." he said sending a slight glare to aziwa

"correct we have a rule in the friend group that if the man gives the code we reveal all sorry aziwa" tsu said as she sat down soon todo sat down and iida leaving ura standing

"this isn't a matter of having the rule you three his life could be in danger" aziwa said as he got pissed all of 1-a exept iida, todo, tsu and ura were scared

"fine." ura said as she called deku and he picked up

"OI where you at deku" she said as she had the phone on speaker to let everyone hear a motorbike and deku

"OI listen stuff happend last night and I'm sorry I didn't call Igot into ash's at 3 am I just woke up but I'll see you soon bye" Deku said as he hung up

1-a looked socked to say the least

"there's your answer aizawa sensei " ura said as she sat down

"... Okay ill have a word with him and the class when he gets here"  aizawa said as he sighed and looked out the window

Outside you could see a motorbike and two people one getting off and looking at ua

Everyone got up now and looked out the window talking

"who's that?"

"probably some guy wanting trouble"

"who knows"

The guy took off the helmet to show deku his hair was messy and he had a small smirk on his face the class gasped in shock to see the cute innocent one like this the other guy took of his helmet and smirked looking over to izuku

"deku, you okay?" Where stories live. Discover now