Chapter 17

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Not a chance son.

... What.... No... Please...

-Dekus pov-

... No... please... Please no... I can't... No  no no

I woke up surrounded by my friends the tv was off everyone in blankets the pros sleeping near us too...

Did he talk to me in my head? Is this real? Am I awake?

I look around everyone's sleeping I grab my phone "3 am" I whisper to myself I get up and walk towards the kitchen I grabbed a glass hesitant at first I slowly made my way to the fridge grabbing the jug of water and filling my class I herd mumbling behind me I put down the jug and looked around to see aziawa walking into the kitchen

"problem child?" he mummered a little surprised looking at me

"ah aziawa sensei yes?" I put the water away and grabbed my glass

"ah just didn't expect you to be awake, everything okay?" he asked I looked down a little

"just a nightmare don't worry" I said and took a sip of my water

"hm want to talk about it?" he asked me while grabbing a mug and turning the coffee machine on

"... Eh no thanks its alright" mumbling I put my glass down and sighed to myself picking my phone off the counter and texted my friends while aziawa made his coffee

Gg gamers : izuku, Ash, Eric, Emma, Sammy

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Looksbabiewillkill: yo anyone awake?

givemethechesse:  yeah what's up?

Sammywammy : I'm awake Emma's sleeping

Looksbabiewillkill: night mare I think my dad's gonna come for me I don't know I just wanna give a heads up incase I disappear for a bit

Sammywammy :shit dude you okay what happened?

Looksbabiewillkill: I just felt like at home in the dorms with my class and that I wish it could stay like that then  I passed out hearing my father saying not a chance son or something and ye I'm okay just shaken up ig

Givemethechesse : holy shit, right but if something happens fucking tell us okay? And how did it go what you say to your classmates?

Looksbabiewillkill: just that my dad's an ass and abusive... And shit like that nothing about drugs or alcohol or my habits just that they took it okay so meh

Sammywammy: that's good ig that they didn't fuck the fuck out go try sleep zu love you x

Looksbabiewillkill : yeah yeah love you x

Givemethechesse: see ya monster x

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Givemethechesse: Ash

Looksbabiewillkill :izuku

Sammywammy: Sammy (duh)

I look over to see aziawa sipping on coffee looking at nothing really I put my phone down

"how did you sleep sensei? " I asked trying to make light conversation

"best few hours I've had in a while so meh, you problem child?" he asked back now avarting his gaze to me i sighed

"deku, you okay?" Where stories live. Discover now