Chapter 6

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Ive been putting this off for days now and im sorry im inna bad place atm ans a song indpired me to do this

The song is called dear dad by bmike and remember this by nf

Okay lets a go (ITS A ME MARIO)

Dekus pov
*small tine skip to the next day *

As i walked to class momo ran up to  me its funny shes like the class mom (mum idk) everyone loves her and i dont blame them shes so sweet and kind shes always so perfect i do look up to her alot for it as well having to deal with us

"hey mido! How are you feeling you looked kinda bad last night?" she asked with real worry in her voice.... I can trust her

"hey mom(o) i dont know just some family stuff and school is stressing me out a little" i said as honest as i could

"ah babes ((i like to think momo would call everyone but jiro and mina babes ((yes this is momojiromina she calls them baby girl!))) im sorry do you want to have tea with me and my baby girls after class?" she said and i cant help but smile her and her partners are cute but tea.... Sure why not

" you know what id love that thank you, lets get to class shall we? "
" we shall! " she walked ahead and held the door for me

" haha thanks " i said as i walked over to hot and cold, urrararararka and tsuuuuuuu oh and speady boi i whispered

"whats up my bitchs" they looked at me and burst into fits of laughter

"huh?" bakusquad and some others said as iida was whezzing

"BROKEN BONES DONT YOU DARE" tsuuuuuu screamed which made me laugh now

"GASP HOW DARE THEE FROG OF THE WILD SAY THAT TO MOI" i yelled very very almost aoyama style dramtic

"WTF?!" bakubitch and his squad yelled

"glad to see your not dead dekuwu" float you to space said

"why thank you space girl i almost though of asking you to throw me into space for your entertainment but I decided to drink some of that ice but hot and breathe for a change" i said as my squad just LAUGHED so hard i turned around to see most of my class mates talking to their friends and just having a good time

"get your asses down we have someth-" aizawa did start to say before something interupted him


(okay i love story's where deku be a little Savage and dekusquad are crazy af)


"who evers phone is ringing answer it so we can start" he said in a annoyed tone

Deku looked at his phone to see his fathers caller id

*****aswhore is calling*****

"hello?" deku (normal)
"hello son" (father)
"one why are you calling me, two im in class right now can it wait?"
"sorry it cant wait its very important"
"how important?"
"your life and U.A's"
"if my life is one the line then its not important can. It. Wait?" deku was getting pissed now and everyone was looking at him with worry
"have you made your choice."
"i said id call you when i made my choice which will be tonight at 10. Now if you dont mind father. I have class." deku was visably shaking now and everyone was shocked no one knew about dekus family other thna bakugou who was thinking one think

"dekus.... Father?"

"fine. Call me at 10. Hope you have made your choice son"

END tone

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