Chapter 10

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Dekus pov still

Fuck fuck fuck why did I yell? I shouldn't have done that omg.

I walked into my door room and walked into the bathroom that was on the side of my room I looked in the mirror fuck there was a huge handprint on my back it was bleeding and that will probably scar... Fuck I need to clean it

Third pov now....

Deku stood in the bathroom he turned on the shower and let it cool down first because yeah the back duh.

He stepped into the shower and slowly let the water hit his back
"FUCK. THAT'S HURTS" he yelled to himself he held onto the shower wall and watched as dry blood go down the drain he sighed how was he going to face people tomorrow.... Maybe he didn't have to?

Midoriya let his thoughts run wild as he turned the shower off and stepped out the shower he wrapped a towel around his waist and looked into he mirror he had a slash on his cheek and his lip was burst open... From that night he sighed and looked at himself... He looked at how many scars he had it hurt him he hated it he left the bathroom and grabbed a hoodie putting it on the bed  and then grabbed jeans and put them on after putting his boxers on (duh)

He looked for  his first aid kit and grabbed the bandages and gase out of it and worked on his back after failing... Very badly he grabbed his phone seeing missed calls and texted he texted crackchat

👋🏎️🦵Zoom: deku dude are you okay? You never yell never mind doing what you did

🐸 Kermitsuicude : hate to say this but mido dude are you sure everything is okay? What's going on?

🥶Todo🥵: yeah dude  is everything okay I haven't see anything like that in a while nvm the stuff that's happened recently?

🌍Space gurl : mido darling please text us back please

🦴👀BrokenBones: hey can someone please come help me wrap my back??? I'm okay I'm really sorry for doing that I wasn't thinking I honestly have no clue why I did that

🐸 Kermitsuicude : dude it's been 40 minutes are you okay and sure we've been just sitting in class with pros talking about what happened ill ask if we can go

👋🏎️🦵Zoom : Well be there in 5 mido

🥶Todo🥵: of course tsu is talking with aizawa showing him the text so we can leave

🌍Space Gurl :on our way dude

🦴👀BrokenBones :thanks my room is unlocked

*logs off chat?*

after logging off and deku sat on the floor holding his phone he looked threw the class 1-a chat and saw msgs

Pinky💞 : anyone herd from mido?

Pikachu ⚡: sadly no

Tapeman 📼 :nothing here I tryed msging him

Rockhard⛰️ :same nothing here I'm really worried tho

Firework🎆 : the nerd hasn't answered anything

Classmom 💖 : I haven't heard anything sadly I'll give him another call

Musicbitch 🎧: nothing here sadly

Emobird+dark :dark said she hasn't heard anything neither have I

Sparkling ✨ :nothing here Mon ami

🥶Todo🥵: he's okay he texted us just there

Pinky💞 : shit is he okay???

🌍Space Gurl : he's... We don't know yet where leaving to see him

Pikachu ⚡: can we come?

👋🏎️🦵Zoom : sorry no he asked for us

Rockhard⛰️ : alright I hope he's okay gell him we hope he's okay please

Classmom 💖 : same here I'll see him later if we wants to talk

*3 people typing*

Midoriya sat on his floor Turing his phone off waiting for his friends

*backwards time skip to when class 1-a sat in the class room with the pro's *

Aziawas pov

What the hell.... Something isn't right

"has anyone heard from midoriya?" mic asked he could tell everyone was clearly shocked and panicked he walks duo to me and grabbed my hand "it's okay" he whispered I looked at him

"I can thelp but worry he's my student.... I don't know what to do" I mumbled and looked at the class that's when asui gasped and looked at us she grabbed her phone and started to type

"Mr Aziawa we have to go midoriya needs us" asui spoke up and shocked me the text

"🦴👀BrokenBones: hey can someone please come help me wrap my back??? I'm okay I'm really sorry for doing that I wasn't thinking I honestly have no clue why I did that'.... Alright you 4 can go be back later okay" I said as I watched them leave

" sensei I why did they get to leave?" mina asked I looked at all might or yagi and nodded

"young midoriya asked for then to help him" he said as he looked at mina

"... Alright" she looked went to talkkng to her group if boys


Dekus pov now.... Ugh

Todoroki was the first one to walk in I waved slightly he sighed and sat next to me then ura and tsu walked in letting Iida in to he sighed and said

"okay let's help you wrap this" he smiled slightly
"thanks dude" I said as grabbed the bandages

"Jesus that's bad kero" tsu said as she looked at my back


"... Midoriya.. I don't mean to seem rude but.... Are those ,,scars....?" Iida asked I sighed

"yep they are, please don't tell anyone though I hate them please just let's not talk about them?" I asked and looked at the 4
"alright" - ura
"okay kero" - tsu
"okay midoriya  " - todo
" as long as your okay then okay"- Iida

"thank you guys now please help I'm freezing" I chuckled they smiled and helped me with my back

" honestly I swear your accident prone midoriya" ura said

"first of all how dare thee." I said she laughed and we finished putting the bandages on, I stood up smiling " thank you guys" I went to grab my hoodie and put it on that's why kermit the self put a plaster on my face under my eye the slash right.

"protect yourself against the chemicals in the water" she said and walked over to ura who was laughing now because it was a hello kitty bandaid

"haha very funny kermit" I said as todo started to laugh

"right yous now common I think the pros would like to talk with Mr I always have a new injury" iida said I acted offended

"HoW DaRe YoU" I gasped and held my hand to my chest

"I'm very offended" I said as Iida laughed and we all started to walk out back tk the class rooms

"fuck...." I mumbled todo looked at me
"hey its gonna be okay" he put on a small smile and continued to walk

"yeah..." i kinda mumbled and let them walk into class first it was a wreck holy shit
There was loud talking distress and panic all over the room

Chat names:

🐸 Kermitsuicude: Asui
👋🏎️🦵Zoom: Iida
🌍Space Gurl: Uraraka
🦴👀BrokenBones: Izuku
Pinky💞: Mina
Pikachu ⚡: Denki
Tapeman 📼: Sero
Rockhard⛰️ : Kiri
Firework🎆 : Bakugo
Classmom 💖: Momo
Musicbitch🎧: Jiro
Emobird+dark : Tokoyami+dark shadow
Sparkling ✨ : Aoyama
Invisable bitch ❤️: toru
🥶Todo🥵: Shoto
Sleepydad 💤 :Aizawa/ dadzawa
DADmight 😁: Yagi /all might
Loudman 🔊 : Yamada. /mic

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