Chapter 7

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Ya boi wrote a whole ass 1200 word chapter in school but it got fuckinf deleted. Yep. This is fine

"hmmm they kinda do" all three girls said

"yeah they do, but what's going on with denki and iida there's something going on there!" mina said

"honestly there is something going on there but denki wouldn't go out with iida like don't get me wrong he's a good guy but denki is such a crackhead" jiro said

"there's some things about iida and my squad you don't know about" deku said as he took a sip of tea

"what do you mean yous are like the sunshine gruop?" momo asked

"don't get me wrong iida can be strict but he genuinely cares for everyone he's funny and will be there for you no matter what, todo is the same he might be quite but when he's with us he's happy and chats away he's funny too and he's really kind and like sharing tea with his siblings and mother , asui is a good person and will listen to anything you say she also paints us pictures and talks with her family over the phone, ura is sweet and helps the best she can she loves talking to her family and we all go to the park or movies sometimes it's sweet, as for you all Im just happy to have yous as friends and I'm glad that yous were my first proper friends and yeah I'm mumbling now sorry haha " deku said as he finished his tea and looked at the girls who were crying and jumped him inot a hug

" YOUR SO SWEET I CAN'T "jiro said as she held into  him

"sweetie I love you omg" mina said as she let go out of the jug like the other girls

"hehe yous are amazing, but I have to go thank you for the tea see you at game night!!" deku said as he trued to leave the room but was stopped

"WAIT! mido... We have a question are you okay? With what ever happend on call is everything okay?" mono asked

"oh that.... Yeah everything's fine just some family problems but yeah I'm okay!" deku said as he game off his sunshine smile and left the room


*9:56PM* **dekus pov **

"EAT THAT KACHAN!" i yelled as I got past the part kachan and his squad couldn't get past

"YOU FUCKING NERD!!!!" he yelled back just as loud as me

" guys stop fighting can we jus-" jiro started to talk but was interrupted

*rinnnggg *

" um who's phone is that? "momo asked

" oh sorry its mine ill be back in 5 I have to take this "I said as I got up and left the dorms


Dekus father

" hello son, have you made your choice?

"yes I have but father I have some things first."

"of course theys are?"

"deku, you okay?" Where stories live. Discover now