Chapter 13

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Last time on "deku, you okay?"

Mina, izuku, ash ans eric started to head off to the hospital from ua after a short while of driving threw streets and small races that mina absolutely loved they stopped at the hospital and all got off parking the bikes and laughing...

" THAT WAS AMAZING!!" mina yelled

Izuku laughed and took off his helmet then helped mina take off hers

"hell yeah it was" eric sais as he leaned against his bike

"yep zuzu your gonna be taking mina home tho Eric and i gotta get back to the apartment so heres my keys take my bike" ash said as he handed izuku the keys mina just loomed baffled

"wait... Mido you can drive a motorbike??" she said

"haha yah dont say anything tho alright? Shoot common lets go see your mum" izuku said as he looked at his watch it was 6:37pm already

"shoot okay thanks eric and ash hope to see you again!!" mina said as she ran towards the hospital doors from where they parked deku looked at ash ans eric and smiled before following mina the pair looked at the male and female go into the hospital, the paor smiled and got on Eric's bike before driving away

With mina and deku!

Dekus pov

Mina practically dragged me towards her mums room talking about how her dad and brother will be there and how her brother is 3 years older then her

We made it to the room

"okay, just be yourself okay?" she said I smiled and gave her a thumbs up and said

"ill try my best!" she laughed and opened the door

"HEYO!! I BROUGHT A FRIEND!" she practically yelled and shoved me in with her closing her mums hospital room door

"hello! I'm izuku midoriya nice to meet you all!!" I said as I smiled and was lead over to to a chair next to mina

"mom, dad, brother this is my class mate izuku midoriya he's a sunshine boy also a huge sweetheart!" she said as I laughed slightly as did her mum

"Well hello, izuku midoriya I'm (minas mother and father haven't been named yet) Amanda ashido and this is my husband yamito ashido, it's nice to meet you!" minas mother said

"I'm mavis ashido her older brother" mavis  had said

"it's nice to finally meet yous!" I said and took a seat next me mina who slowly started to tell her mother about school and they all joked around and stuff

"oh mum remember how I told you of the boy who walked up to bakugo and slapped him? That's him izuku he did that" mina laughed as mavis looked at me

"you look too soft to do that really?" he asked slightly surprised

"haha yeah he woke me up and I was just like... Shhh I did get chased after it"

**small time skip to mina leaving to go to the bathroom **

"um miss ashido? May I ask you a question?" I asked looking at mina mum

"dear call me Amanda and of course?" she looked at me whole holding onto her husbands hand

I slowly handed her an envelope
"I know mina said she didnt want anyone to pay for the surgery for you, but minas generally amazing to everyone and I don't think I'd be able to see her possibly loose you, you genuinely seem like an amazing mother and I don't want her to lose that there's 1000 in there enough for the surgery and anything else you need please take it "I said she looked shocked before her husband and mavis got up and hugged him i hugged back

" I... I don't know how to thank you" yamito said

"trust me this is enough for me, please take it" I said mavis was in tears I found out he'd been working nights anyplace he could just to try help pay

"thank you.... Thank you" Amanda had said I smiled

"it's not a problem at all.... But maybe not tell mina right now she'll be a little mad that I did this without her permission hehe" I chucked a little they all nodded ans smiled

**time skip to mina and deku leaving the hospital **

"they liked you I can tell" mina said as she laughed holding her helmet I smiled and nodded

"I think they did hehe now common let's get back to the dorms.... Orr" I said she looked at me

"or!?!" she said happily

"we take a drive threw some streets and get ice cream then go back to the dorms? I may even drive a little fast" I chuckled she looked at me before grabbing my shoulder I tryed hard not to fling

" LET'S DO IT!" she yelled asi smiled and got to the bike getting on ans putting my helmet on her doing the same and getting excited jumping slightly

"ready?" I said as I started uo the bike

"I was born ready" I smiled and started to speed down busy streets I could here her laughing and yelling stuff like 'HOLY SHIT' hehe let's take this a another way I speaded down a street and then saw a police car following mina noticed and paniced

"Shit!" she practically yelled I spead up

"IZUKU! SLOW DOWN IT'S POLICE!" she yelled I laughed.
"yeah okay" I started slow down and then a police officer asked for my licence which I showed

"sir, you are aware you where going to fast?"

"yes I'm aware" I said

"I'll have to give you a ticket" he said

"look at the name on the licence and then tell me that again" I said mina looked at me the police officer looked at the name and became wide eyed

"I'm so sorry izuku sir please go ahead  very sorry" he said I smiled and started to drive off again and parked at an ice cream shop

"... How did you get out of that?!" she yelled
"magic!" she laughed and I payed for ice cream then drove up back to the dorms which mina was talking and laughing

"mina before we go in. Don't tell anyone about that okay? Mine and your secret right?" I said as I took off her helmet and then mine

"of course dude just promise to take denki one day he loves motorbikes" I laughed

"sure let's go in" it's around 8:45 we walked in to see mostly all of our classmates studying and aziawa and mic sitting grading papers at the dining table

"hey we're back!" mina yelled

"hey! Welcome back" some said

"OI deku how do you know those people?" kacchan asked

"... Hm Ash and Eric? They saved my life a couple of times" I laughed and went to the kitchen to make coffee

"... What?" I heard someone mumbled I smiled and grabbed the coffee and put one a aziawa he looked at me and mouthed a thanks I smiled

Fuck fuck fuck sorry for the long wait? I tryed to make this longer for yall I'm working on a dad deku book where he's class mum so... If yall wanna suggest anything let me know!

Have a good one

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