Chapter 14

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**about two weeks later everyone but mina was in class when she burst into the room**

Third person pov

"WHO WAS IT." she yelled

"what? Who was what?" jiro asked

"HOLY SHIT it was either momo or one of my boys.... Who was it.." she said some looked confused

"not me" denki
"I don't have money dude" sero
"I respect your wishes and didn't" kiri
"not me pinky" Baku bitch
"not me darling" momo
"not me either babes" jiro

"then... Then who?!" she was in tears now

"mina I... I did it I'm sorry i did it even after you told me not to but..." deku started to speak she ran over and hugged him crying he rubbed her back her boys and gfs looked at the pair

"... Thank you she made it... She's okay" she practically sobbed

"oh mina! I'm glad she did" deku said as he smiled and hugged mina more she pulled away and looked at her boys who came over and hugged her along with her gfs

"but... Why?" she whispered

"I couldn't see you possibly lose your mother and to be honest since you told me I knew I was gonna help" deku looked at mina

"... How did you gave my family 1000 how..." she whispered

"mina it was nothing to me okay? Just take care of yourself and her okay?" deku said the bakusquad looked shocked that he just gave her family that and said it was nothing momo and jiro looked at deku smiled and held minas hand

"thank you midoriya.." she smiled again and hugged her gfs

"not a problem now common happy mina, not sad mina wipe those tears" deku said as he looked at them and smiled slightly

"class will you all sit down plea- mina are you alright?" aziawa said as he walked in the room and looks at his class to see mina crying

"I'm alright,I'm okay" she said as she sat down

*time skip I'm running on no sleep its 8am lmao how are yall? *

I don't know what to write um.....


..Dekus pov..

I was sitting in class when my phone goes off, I mean Mr aziawa is sleeping so I could plus half the class is kinda just chilling I open my phone to see a text from

Gg gamers : izuku, Ash, Eric, Emma, Sammy

Emma : eh yo gang I got a new video game wanna try it out later?

Ash : dude yeahhh mine and Eric's place or zukus place?

Eric : zukuuu he has led lights vibe

Izuku : scuse me? Did I say yes?

Sammy :duh it's us when you get out of school?

Izuku : like 2 hours?

Ash : that's too longggggg

Emma : me and the Bois are gonna pick you up don't care

Sammy : yesss truck mamma

Emma : fuck up don't call me mamma ever again xD

Izuku : yall are crazy xD

Ash : pfftt expected Welp see yall soon

Eric : see ya soon Bois

Izuku : yall are annoying af what are you gonna even say when you get here

Izuku : guys?

Izuku : you whores.

I smiled to myself and put my phone down again I looked around the room and smiled wtf is my class

"DENKI GET OFF ME" mina yelled

"NEVER" he yelled back

Yep... This is class 1-a.....


What.... Who's there?!

Jesus calm down its Eric, what's your teachers name?

Right... Your using your quirk, his names aziawa or eraserhead

Yes in using my quirk dumbass and thanks be there soon allmight taking us to your class


Just 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door aziawa woke up about 7 minutes ago and was just sitting grading

"come in" he said as he looked up from his work when all might walked in he waved and stood behind him was the 4 dumbasses

"there's some people here for midoriya?" he said Ash and Eric looks at me and smirked and ran Iver to my desk

"HEYO WHORE!" Ash yelled Sammy and Emma sighed and walked over to me

"hey bitch" Sammy said as she punched my in the face there was some gasps I punched her in the shoulder back

"what up little bitch you ready?" Emma said

"yea yea" I said grabbing my stuff

"may I ask why your leaving?" aziawa asked as he looked at the 4 around me

"you didn't tell him?, he has a meeting with a big boss today I thought he'd tell you where picking him up" Emma said... Her quirk is... Well she can make up any lies and make it seem like the truth

"ah alright see you later midoriya" he said holy shit yes! I grabbed my stuff said bye to my classmates and Emma Ash and Eric walked out Sammy looked at my class and said

"OI what ones mina?" she said mina raisesd her hand

"uh me?"

" eh say hi to your brother for me I'm Sammy his pal" she then left mina shrugged

"ready for this?" Ash said looking at me

"born ready".. Little did I know that game night would last longer then thought I feel asleep at 5am that day

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