Chapter 1 "Old enemies"

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October 15th, 05:37 in the morning.The sun hadn't come up yet when Draco Malfoy was walking down the empty streets of the wizarding world.If someone had seen him, they would think he was drunk.

He was walking fast but he was obviously really dizzy as he had fallen down at least three times.His eyes were sparkling and his mouth was dry and open.If you paid attention and looked closer you would see the blood on his hands and shirt.

But in those days, no one paid attention at the blond deatheater.

He reached his destination, The great ministry of magic, probably the only building with lights at that time of the early day.

He took a breath, then a bigger one and entered, not caring for his weird appearance.

He knew where he had to go, he knew these corridors better than the demons inside his head that were now driving him insane as they were bringing the craziest thoughts.

The Auror department wasn't too far, just a stair case and two long corridors away.

He ran faster than ever before, like his legs were out of control and he wasn't able to stop them.He was running and running until he was out of a very specific door at the end of the dark corridor.

He opened it, not bothering with a knock, the petite secretary raised from her seat as she heard the door.

The look that she gave him was enough to understand that she recognized the pale wizard standing in front of her.

Yeah these eyes full of fear weren't something that Draco actually enjoyed seeing, but at that time, at that moment, under those circumstances, he couldn't care less.

"Is Mr. Potter here?" Draco asked the woman.

"Y- Yes." She answered."Could we help you with something Mr.."

What a prick, she already knows my name.

"Malfoy." He said. "And yes, I would like to see Mr. Potter, it's important."

"Unfortunately, I can't let you in without an appointment."

"Look." Draco was starting to lose his temper.He hit his bloody fist on the woman's desk making her gasp at his red hand."It's about a murder, and I have to see him now.Am I clear?" He said, under clenched teeth.

The terrified girl nodded, showing a door at the very end of the room."You'll find him there."

Without a second glance the blond turned and walked towards the door.

He knocked once but didn't get an answer so he opened it, finding Potter sitting on a chair behind a large desk.He wasn't alone though.There was a witch sitting opposite of him, with very specific messy brown hair.Draco could only see her back at that point but he had no doubts, Hermione Granger was in the room too.

Great, he thought 2/3 of the Golden Trio.

Potter raised his head to face him and Granger turned around to look at him as well.

"Malfoy?" Potter spoke.

"Yes, Potter." He turned to gaze the witch who was looking at him with surpise, and for what he could tell, it wasn't a positive one. "Granger." He greeted, the witch didn't speak.

"What are you doing here?" Potter asked.

"His hands." Granger murmured, gazing at the boy's palms.

"My mother was murdered."

There was a moment of silence before Potter finally spoke again. "Have a seat." He pointed the chair beside Granger's.

Draco obeyed, mainly because he felt like fainting at that point.

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