Chapter 10 "Stop pretending"

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Three weeks had passed since his arrival in the Order.

Three weeks since his mother's death.

It was another sleepless night, another nightmare had taken away his sleep.

He was sitting on his bed hugging his pillow tight and biting the top of it.

He was sweating and his eyelashes were wet.

His fingers slightly trembling.

He had seen his mother back in the Manor.Exactly like he had found her, body drown in blood and lifeless eyes staring at the ceiling.

He remember himself returning home that day, he had entered the living room oblivious to his mother's body on the floor.And after three or four seconds he had finally seen her and frozen, he had actually frozen.He hadn't ran to her side, hadn't screamed, hadn't cried.He had just stayed there looking at her, looking as the blood was going all over the floor, her blood, his mother's blood.

And when he had finally ran and fallen down next to her all he could do again was look, his hands and legs had been shaking, his mouth dry and open as he was gazing at his now dead mother.

He lost a part of himself that day, she took it with her as she left this world for somewhere else, probably better.

"Fuuuuuck!" He screamed into his pillow and kicked his bed table with his leg.

"Fuck this!" He screamed again feeling some tears rolling down his cheeks.

When did he become so weak?


She was heading downstairs to drink some water when she heard a loud noise from Malfoy's room.

She could ignore it but she chose not to, so she slowly walked towards his door.

She heard his voice but couldn't really understand what he was saying.

She softly knocked the door.

He stopped whatever he was doing that was causing noise.

"You're okay in there?" She asked in a low voice she wasn't too sure he would be able to hear it, but he did.

"Yes I'm fine Granger." He replied.

She sighed and glanced at the closed door.

She wanted to knock again but decided against it, he clearly didn't want her help.So she headed downstairs as she was planning to in the first place.

After drinking two glasses of water she headed upstairs again and stopped as the corner of her eye spotted the blond's door.

She could hear him mumbling something again.Finding her Gryffindor self and courage she quickly walked to the door and opened it, this time without knocking.

The blond raised his head from the pillow he was screaming in to face her.

"What the fuck Granger?" He argued.

She closed the door behind her not wanting to wake up the other three boys sleeping upstairs.

"I wanted to make sure you are okay." She said nearing him.

"Okay?" He chuckled. "Do I look okay?Have I ever looked okay?What's the matter with you?"

"I guess I am good person, Malfoy.Do you know what this means?"

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